15. briser la promesse

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~Dallon's point of view~
warning!! graphic..sorta
(start the song ay whatcha waitin for (even tho it doesn't fit that well so I'll probs change later)😂)

sorta (start the song ay whatcha waitin for (even tho it doesn't fit that well so I'll probs change later)😂)

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"Love isn't a role you can play. It's not a game or a joke. Love is unscripted it's real and raw. With love you don't get to pick and choose and if your love isn't real then I don't fucking want it."
(ayy ayy see what I did there ;p)

"Hey Ryan?" I ask, running my hands through his hair. He looks up at me and smiles. "What is it?" He replies, keeping his head on my chest. "Don't get mad. Okay?" He raises an eyebrow and moves from my chest, sitting upward. "What is it?" He repeats impatiently. I sigh and rub his leg. "I don't- I don't think you should hang out with Spencer anymore." I state, holding my breath as I wait for his reply. He sits there for a second before scoffing and rolling his eyes. "I'm serious. He's not good for you." I continue, which let me tell you, was a horrible thing to do. He frowns, crossing his arms. "What do you know about what's good for me? You barely know me. Spencer and I are fine, alright?" ouch there's a slight pain in my heart.
"I just think, that if he's beating you up and- and leaving you, then-" "oh shut up!" He interrupts, and frustration vibrates within me, I run my hands through my hair and sigh.

why is he acting like this

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why is he acting like this. Doesn't he know im only saying this because I care? "For god sake, you never know when to mind your own dam business." His words are like bullets, and god knows I have no shield and I'm sure as hell not bulletproof. they've gone shot right through my heart. "I'm only saying this because I care." I say, softly.
"I don't want you to get hurt." I continue and he rolls his eyes and groans. "Oh come off it. This isnt a movie, stop acting like you care about me! You're just jealous. That's it, jealous that I left with Spencer. Well that's too bad, because he knows and loves me more than you ever fucking could." He looks shocked by his own words, like he can't believe he had just said them, well me too. Cause I couldn't believe that he'd said them either. Tears cloud my vision, I bite them back. I can't believe-. His face softens and he moves to hug me, whispering a small sorry, but I push him back, shaking my head. "Go away." I say, softly, bowing my head. I don't want him to see me crash. I wanted to be strong, but love & pain, they both weaken you. He kicks the bed harshly, and I look up at him in confusion, wiping my eyes quickly. "You promised, you said you would stay with me, no matter what and now? You're telling me to leave? That doesn't make any sense." I laugh disbelievingly. "Are you kidding me!? No, just go. Get out." Tears threaten to fall as he grabs his stuff and slams the bedroom door. "Don't expect me to come back!" He yells from the stairs. I lay down, drowning in my own sorrow, I pray he doesn't. I hope he comes back, tells me he didn't mean it. The thought slithers it's way into my head, I shake it off quickly because deep down I knew he did.

~Ryan's point of view~

(at his house, spencer isnt present)

I lay on the bed, I feel no emotion. My skin buzzes and vibrates. I guess the deal's wearing off. I felt it coming. them coming. I guess it's karma, so I lay out in the open, waiting. No where to run, no where to hide. My heart beats against my chest, echoing loud in my ears, nothing but black surrounds me. My eyes graze around the dark room, breath quickening. The room goes cold, my skin tingles as the cool air sweeps against my body. A grip on my ankle sends a bolt of energy throughout my body. I hit the wall hard, losing the air in my lungs. My throat goes dry as I choke on impact. Pain vibrates through my whole body as I'm picked up again, I grab hold of the foot the bed, but a force pulls me out of the hallway. My head slams against the wooden floor, making it creak softly. My sight get blurry as my vision starts to fade. Pain explodes through my head as I'm dragged down the steps. thump thump thump. My skull crunches as it hits every step. I ignore the pain and focus on my ragged breath.
Dallon is the last thing that crosses my mind before the room goes black and the pain disappears.

Dallon's p.o.v

I need to get away. Getting your heartbroken takes a toll on you. I felt suffocated, like my lungs had collapsed. And anywhere, Ryan was close too I couldn't bare to be near. Everything reminded me of him. I let out a slow sigh, and pull out my computer, booking myself a hotel in the cities. I think about asking Brendon to come with, but I decide against it. I write a note for Brendon, (and Ryan with the tiniest shred of hope that he'd come back.) telling him I'd be leaving for a couple of days. I place them both on the front step. I go into the house once more grabbing my last suitcase and making my way out the door and into the car. Goodbye. I think to myself as I speed away from the house.

A/NY'all I lied!! & I'm sorry!! It's late & I feel bad because it was birthday and spring break and y'all already know I was so slumped😐but I'm back to finish this book and sorry I rushed and this chapter is fr really bad and shitty

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Y'all I lied!! & I'm sorry!! It's late & I feel bad because it was birthday and spring break and y'all already know I was so slumped😐but I'm back to finish this book and sorry I rushed and this chapter is fr really bad and shitty. Promise the next one will be sooo much better and heyy this is where the plot twist begins. All the love.x ♥-layla🌹
p.s it's really short too smh😕. Next chapter is called unraveling the web, weird ik but it's kind of a clue to what's going to happen next.

 Next chapter is called unraveling the web, weird ik but it's kind of a clue to what's going to happen next

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I've always wanted to write a Coraline themed book, it'd be called with buttons to see or something and ryden or brallon or ryllon or whoever would find the door and get stuck and whatever idk tho I'ma see about it cuz Coraline is my fav movie.

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