11. le pire moyen de trahison🌧

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*Ryan's p.o.v*
×play the song while reading:)×

v*      ×play the song while reading:)×______________________________________

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Just cute♥

I lean against Spencer, I kinda regret doing it to him. He'd had such a nice face. Piercing blue eyes, bright smile, rosy cheeks, all now decayed. I want to turn him back, but lessons have to be learned. Maybe I can just this once. I turn to Spencer, and smile, pressing my hand against his face. His features instantly work on reshaping and forming the way his face used to be. Excitement trickle's throughout my body. It's been so long since I'd seen the old him. He blinks a few times taking in his surroundings, I guess it's been a long time since he could see. He looks to me and smiles. God I've missed him. It doesn't take long before we're hugging. He holds me tight, squeezing softly. He pulls back and frowns, like he just now remembers what I've done to him. It slowly turns back into a soft smile. "You're lucky, I'm forgiving you. I forgive you everytime." He says, a hint of sadness laced within his words. I move to lean against him again. "Do you want to hear about my day?" I ask, changing the subject. If I think about it too long I'll start to feel guilty. He throws an arm around me and nods. "My- friend, Dallon he just turned 19, only a few months older than you, he had a party and Spencer, I got drunk. Can you believe it!?" I ask, turning to look up at him. He smiles and shakes his head. "No way, what happened to 'No Spencer it'll ruin your kidney. No Spencer it's bad for you. I'll never drink in my life.' You've turned into a rebel, huh?" He asks, nudging me softly. I give him a playful glare. "It was a one time thing. Gave me a killer headache, I puked in the trees!" I tell him, making a face as I recall the event. "Ick." He says making a face. "How did you meet..Dallon anyway?" He asks, looking down on me. I smile as I remember how much I wanted him to go away and now I don't want to leave him. "He came to the house, he thinks- or well thought it was haunted. He wouldn't go away he was like a mosquito or something. He had a friend with him too, Brendon. They both came to see if the house was haunted. Then I guess we kinda clicked." Spencer laughs softly. "What do they look like. Describe them to me." I nod hesitantly, and clear my throat. "Well, Brendon has some furry eyebrows they're like caterpillars just chillin on top of his head." I say, Spencer rolls his eyes a smile making it's way onto his face. "He also has these amazing brown eyes, they're warm and inviting almost like a nice cup of coffee. He has a nice smile and his lips aren't huge but they're bigger than mine, that's for sure. He's kinda pale, his hair is a dark brown, cut short sometimes it falls down in front of his face.

 He's kinda pale, his hair is a dark brown, cut short sometimes it falls down in front of his face

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He's short almost my height, very.. handsome and I think he's in love with Dallon or it seems like it anyway." I finish and Spencer hums, motioning to go on. So I do. "Dallon on the other hand is super tall, around your height but you know, taller. Like a giraffe maybe, or a skyscraper." Spencer giggles. "Okay I get it he's tall." He states, I stick my tongue out and continue describing Dallon. "He has blue eyes, they shine too. Like when the sun hits the ocean just right and it sparkles and shines, they're like that, they're like yours." He cocks his head. "Really? So my eyes, they shine? Are you sure?" He asks, and I nod. "They do, they really do." He smiles softly, pinching my cheek. "Anyways." I say quickly, before I start describing Spencer instead of Dallon. "He has brown hair, almost- almost like yours, a bit like burnt toast. His smile is.. it's brilliant. When he smiles it feels like when you've been in the cold for a long time and you go and sit by the fireplace. Instant warmth.

His lips, soft, smooth and full but not like Brendon's

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His lips, soft, smooth and full but not like Brendon's. He loves to read, scary things especially. And-" Spencer moves away from me, the feeling of his body vanishing. I look up at him, giving him a confused look. "How do you know they're soft?" He asks, I mentally facepalm fuck. "Have you kissed him?" He continues, anger slowly but surely mixing itself into his words. I stay silent thinking of a way out, there isn't one. "Are you fucking kidding me!? So you have." He says, standing up and crossing his arms. I go to touch him but he pushes me away. "Please, Spencer calm down. It was only once, you're not a virgin anymore either." Once the words come out, I facepalm again this time physically. His mouth drops open, anger fuming off of him. "You slept with him? What the hell, Ryan!" He shouts and shit I've ratted myself out. "Spencer, come on it isn't that serious." He looks like he'd just been slapped. "Not that serious!? You were the one who ruined my life, you're the one who said I couldn't love anyone else because no one else would love me like you did. Remember that? Remember when you messed up all of my relationships because you were what? Jealous? Remember when you ruined my fucking face because I had lost my virginity? But now you get to prance around fucking random people and I'm locked in this house? Well, not anymore I'm leaving. Dont try and follow me. " He pushes past me and runs straight out the door. I look out the window and watch him disappear into the trees. My heart breaks at the sight, I've lost him again.

A/NOkay so, idk if you guys noticed but I usually write horror so this book will have some "scary" parts in it

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Okay so, idk if you guys noticed but I usually write horror so this book will have some "scary" parts in it. I'll explain the book when it's finished but basically Ryan has "powers" sorta you'll find out further into the book. But in this chapter you'll find out more about Ryan and Spencer and about the things Ryan has done. If it's confusing now don't worry because it'll all make sense in the end hopefully. And noo Spencer and Ryan never dated, they've only kissed twice, Ryan just adores Spencer because everyone had left him, except Spencer so he's kinda possessive. Anyways I'll have some more ryllon before the plot twist because this is a ryllon fic of course and they've only had two parts. Much love~layla☁

This is my favorite thing rn

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This is my favorite thing rn. Quite lovely.

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