14. l'exposition d'un traître

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•Ryan's p.o.v•
{ start song!!}

3 days 12 hours 46 minutes 23 seconds.
That's how long he's been gone. A vile feeling eats away at me. Guilt. Regret.
I miss him. I love him. But I love Dallon as well. I should go see him.

I cut short my habit of staring at the wall counting down how long I'd been waiting for Spencer, and grab my jacket pulling it on as I head out the door. They really need to build a dam road. I think as I sink into the damp ground. I huff and thank god I'm only a few more minutes away. I push away the last of the branches and smile as Dallon's house comes into view. I take a deep breath and knock on the door.

My stomach drops and my palms get sweaty. Spencer smiles at me sweetly from the couch, while raising his glass.

It was so damn hard to find a Spencer gif holy dam _____________________________________

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It was so damn hard to find a Spencer gif holy dam

"Oh, hello Ryan. I was just about to tell them about you. How we go way back." Fuck. No. No. No. My eyes widen as I give him a tight smile. "Can we talk please. In private?" I plead, eyes wide. He glares, and shakes his head. "No, why don't we talk right here, I'm sure our lovely new friends would love to hear what you have to say." He says, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. My heart beats against my ribs, my throat closes slightly. I can't breathe. I blink away tears and begin to get down on my knees. "Please, I'll explain everything, just please." I ignore the confused looks from Dallon and Brendon. I don't care what they think right now, this isn't about them. Spencer and I only. He rolls his eyes. "Okay, god just get up." I get up and smile, thanking him silently. We head to the guest room and lock the door.

He sits across from me on the bed, giving me a pointed look

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He sits across from me on the bed, giving me a pointed look. "What do you want!?" He whisper-yells at me and it takes so much not to cry. He doesn't love me anymore. The thought alone brings tears to my eyes. He huffs and points a finger at me. "No, no you don't get to cry!" He yells, moving closer to me. "Please, Spencer I'm happy. Like really happy." I say, I had already knew what he wanted to do, and it'd break me. "Oh and what about me? Why didn't I get to be happy? Hmm? Ever thought of that!" I shake my head at him. "Please, Spencer. If you loved me you'd want me to be happy." I say, bowing my head. He scoffs and gives a disgusted laugh. "Oh, fuck off. You selfish fucking cunt. All you ever did was think about you. I hate you." He says, tears building up around the rims of his eyes. "How could you do that to me?" He says, moving closer to me until we're face to face. "I hate you." He breathes out. "I fucking hate you." He says, he's fuming and I have no time to react as his hand collides with my face. "You piece of shit." He continues, this time his fist glides across my cheek. My jaw aches. But I'm frozen in place. As he punches me again. "Good for nothing. Selfish. Trash. I hate you. I hate you . I hate you." He hits me after each word, before pulling me up by my jacket. Twisting his hands in my shirt and pinning me to the wall. "I'm sorry." I choke out, tears spilling slowly, stinging the fresh cut on my cheek. "I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. You know I wouldn't. I just- You couldn't leave me! I couldn't let you,... you were the only one who stayed." I say softly, voice cracking. His face softens, as he let's me down. "Fuck." He breathes out. He rubs his hands against his face and sighs.


Spencer's p.o.v

"Why'd you leave me?" He asks, head hanging. I can see the tears dripping down his cheeks. I won't give in. I can't.
"You knew they'd all left me. You knew I was broken. And you still left. You promised you wouldn't leave!" He shouts desperately, my heart cracks in two. Fuck. I think, sighing heavily. Why am I always the bad guy? I huff, angry hot and heavy. "I did everything I could. I loved you with all my heart. What the hell is wrong with you. You're not the victim here. How do you expect me to stay when all you've ever done is hurt me?" I ask, bowing my head. "I didn't want to leave you. I never have. You're always in my heart. And I hate it. Because no matter what I'll always forgive you, even when it's not deserved." My voice soft, cracking ever so lightly. Tears cloud my eyes. "I want you to be happy, of course I do! But, where does that leave me?" I ask, I choose to look up and shit bad decision, Ryan's eyes stare back at me, red and puffy. He looks tired. Hurt. Sorry. God, I hate him. He stays against the wall, even as I go to hug him. He moves only to hug me back. "I'm so sorry. I'll fix it, I'll fix you." He whispers, before kissing my cheek quickly. "Don't leave me." He says, as I go to pull away, so I don't. I couldn't.


Dallon's irritating. Brendon's annoying. Ryan's a Debbie downer. I hate them all.

I smile tightly, as Dallon shuffles the cards for the 20th time. "Can we play already?" I ask, getting impatient. Dallon rolls his eyes. He puts the cards away and crosses his arms. "How about you guys tell us what's going on between you two?" He asks, and Brendon nods in agreement. I clench my teeth and smile tightly. "It's none of your business." I say slowly, teeth grinding against each other. why couldn't they just leave it? leave us be. He furrows his eyebrows. "Well, when my boyfriend walks out all bruised up. It kinda is my business. So, that being said why did you do it?" He stares me down. My hands ball up into fists as they rest by my sides. "Just drop it." Ryan butts in. Dallon doesn't budge. "That's it. We're leaving." He then says, motioning for me to follow after him. My heart flutters. He chose me. And at that moment that was all that mattered.

okay so I'm a few days late.
this is low-key just a filler but it's still sorta important. And I didn't proof-read this one with music so please please tell me if the song doesn't fit. Also I need ryllon to last for a little bit longer. Cause this plot twist is gonna be crazy. Anyways all the love♥! I hope this isn't that bad((: ~layla,🌨p.s. I'm already writing the next chapter so it'll be up in a few days..
p.p.s im really starting to like 1d and ziam someone save me😂💀

s im really starting to like 1d and ziam someone save me😂💀

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(that's cute😭♥)

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