18. tell me a lie🌹

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It's SATURDAAAY!!! Also thanks for 1k reads and this book is #1 in ryllon I'm shook asl😭😧(nvm ig it's not #1anymore but still all the love) this is how I'm feeling rn 😂((:

A/NIt's SATURDAAAY!!! Also thanks for 1k reads and this book is #1 in ryllon I'm shook asl😭😧(nvm ig it's not #1anymore but still all the love) this is how I'm feeling rn 😂((:

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Ow fuck! fuck!, is the first thought that runs through my head as I return to reality. My eyelids feel too heavy to lift, but I know I'm still in our house. A cold breeze, glides against my stomach and I sigh at how nice the cool floor feels on my bare back. Wait.. where's Spencer? I think, trying to lift my eyelids once more and failing. I huff and listen for any sounds or movement, calling out a small 'hello' but I'm only greeted back with my own heavy breathing. I lift my head slightly and groan, eyes popping open from the excruciating pain that travels from my head all the way to the bottom off my back. I put my head down slowly and look around the room, dizzy from the pain. My head pounds and my skull feels ready to burst. No no no stay open please. I plead to myself as my eyes close once more and I pass out from the pain.

~Dallon's p.o.v~
(no song this time, just focus on the words.)

"It's not funny, Brendon this is serious." I say, glaring at him. He stops laughing and sighs. "C'mon Dallon, no offense but do you really expect me to believe you?" He asks, giving me a hard look. I turn away and huff. "Listen to what you're saying!" His voice getting louder, I shush him and point at the on-looking nurse nearby. He groans and lowers his voice. "Dallon, my sweet lovely Dallon, there are no such things as ghosts. There are no demons, no soul selling. It's all made up. Ryan's not possessed, he's just weird and I warned you about him a long time ago, didn't I?" I shake my head. He's wrong. "No, just listen to me! The book says-" "Forget the damn book, Dallon!" He yells, interrupting me. My face flushes with anger. "Are you going to help me or not?" I ask, voice trembling from how mad I was getting. He sighs heavily and shakes his head. "You know I am. I always do, don't know why you even ask." I smile at that and get up. "We should go check on him." I say, pointing and making my way to the door, Brendon following behind me.

I fidget in my chair, all this white is making me uneasy. White sheets, white walls, white chairs, even the cords are white, I mean damn would it kill them to add a little color? "Are you serious?" The voice breaks me out of my thoughts.
"I was almost dead not even ten minutes ago, Ryan's possessed, and you're over here worried about the walls...really?" Brendon nods and raises an eyebrow.
"Sorry, Spencer. How are you feeling?" I ask, feeling guilty when I catch sight of his bandaged head. He shrugs and shakes his head.

"I'm honestly just ready to get out of here

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"I'm honestly just ready to get out of here. Ryan could wake up any minute." He says, moving to see if a nurse was nearby. I nod and hand him his change of clothes, before waving down the nurse.
I slowly make my way into the house, shutting the door behind me. A soft voice echos throughout the mansion. "Spencer?" I freeze and strain to hear the voice. "Spencer?" I run up the stairs, my worry lacing with fear. He's awake.
I push open the door and rush over to his still body. He groans softly, trying to lift his head. "Where's Spencer?" his voice comes out cracked and strained, like he'd been yelling for hours. "How long have you been up?" I ask, avoiding his question. He huffs and opens his eyes slowly. They widen instantly as he looks up at me. A small grin makes it's way onto my face. "Dallon." He says, stuttering slightly and smiles up at me, eyes watering. Then he freezes and a blanket of fear falls over his face. His smile, replaced with a tight frown. "You can't be here. It's not safe." His eyes dart back and forth from the door and I. "No, it's okay." I reply, moving my hand to cup his cheek. He starts to shake his head, but stops immediately from the pain. "But Dallon-" "Shh." I interrupt him, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "I'm going to save you." No matter what.

-(later on)-

I sit across from Brendon at the small table and pull out the book and flipping to the spell.
"See look, it's easy. Candles, salt, holy water, and an offering." I say, gliding the book towards Brendon. He huffs and rolls his eyes.

"It's not gonna be that easy

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"It's not gonna be that easy. Plus what if it doesn't work? Then what? We fight off the devil? Dallon, I love you, but this is crazy and you know it."
I groan and slump back into my chair.
"I thought you were going to help me, but you're only complaining and that's not fucking helping." I reply, snatching the book from him. He huffs, folding his arms across his chest. "I don't want you to get hurt." He says after a moment of silence. "I'm only trying to protect you." I smile softly, and reach for his hand. "And I appreciate that..so much, but I promised to save him and name one time I've ever broken a promise?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. He chuckles giving me a look. "Don't lie to yourself, cause there have been plenty of times. I'd count them off, but we'd be here all day." He replies, letting go of my hand. I shake my head with a smile. "Whatever, I'm going to check on him. Get the stuff we need, I'll be right back." I call out, before taking a deep breath and making my way to Ryan's room. He sits up, immediately as I enter the room.

"How're you feeling?" I ask, taking a seat near his feet at the end of the bed. "I'm okay...you know he's right." He says, giving me a sad smile. I furrow my eyebrows and cock my head to the side. "What do you mean?" I ask, looking down at him. He frowns and moves to sit next to me. "Let me tell you how, I got here...and by here I mean the whole soul selling thing." I shake my head quickly, because even though I was dying to know, I don't think I could handle it. "You don't have too. It's fine." I say, giving his hand a soft squeeze. "I know I don't have too, but I want too, if you'll listen." He says and I nod quickly. He gives me a small smile before getting on his feet, then he's moving onto the floor and digging underneath the bed. He gives a frustrated groan and flattens himself out so he slides all the way under the bed. I hold back a laugh as he sighs in relief pulling out a small silver box.

Okay So i wrote this chapter and it was great but I thought it was a bit of a cliff hanger so I made a part two. And I didn't want to post one without the other so double update. I'm posting the second part to this chapter in a bit. After that the real plot twist is happening!! ~layla♥

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