22. Taken Away

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-2 months prior-

They've stopped. They finally stopped.

They just called Dallon, he's coming to get me. The doctor says it's because I learned to let go. I was hanging onto the past which made me fear the future. I just can't believe they stopped. It stopped  a few weeks ago, but they kept me to make sure.


Don't fall asleep, don't fall asleep, please don't fall asleep.

I had just got back from therapy, I was finally able to let go. We had been working on it for months now, "It's not your fault." I repeated it to myself everyday until it had stuck. My mom had died, "It's not your fault." My dad had hit me and left me, "It's not your fault." Spencer's mom died, "It's not your fault." I was finally believing it, things happen, people die, and we can be sad and we can feel hurt, but at the end of the day it is not your fault. If someone is rude to you for no reason, it is not your fault, something is going on with them and they have to deal with that, not you. Never let someone's words or actions dictate you or make you think something is wrong with you, because there is not. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders, I don't look at myself as worthless anymore, if they decide to leave me then that's their choice, I won't belittle myself anymore. I felt relaxed and at peace. I had let go of my hatred and sadness, because in life, we have to move on. I smile softly, "I did it" I think to myself, "I finally did it" I  feel my eyes get heavy and I instantly widen them. "No no no no." I think, "not right now, please not right now." Fear shoots through my body, I can't watch him die, not now, everything was so good. I take a deep breath and rub my eyes. Keeping my hands over them. "Don't be afraid, embrace it and let it go. Don't be afraid."

~flashback ends~

It seemed easy now that I think about it. I smile wide because now I'm going home and this time I'm not afraid.

Dallon's point of view

They stopped. I couldn't believe it. I stumble out of bed and rush to my car. My fingers shake against the steering wheel and I take a moment to calm myself down. I put on my seatbelt and start the car.
I can't seem to calm myself anymore, I'm almost there and the closer I get the more excited- oh shit I ran the light. I turn to look back if anyone noticed. CRASH.  My body explodes with pain and everything goes black.
When I wake up I see smoke, I see the truck that hit me. Fuck I'm so stupid. I think as I recall running the red light. I'm no longer in the car, I don't know how but I don't feel any pain all. Maybe the universe knows I need to see Ryan..Ryan! He's probably worried sick. Fuck fuck fuck. I rush to the car for my phone. I get to the door and stop. No,no, no, no, please, please no. The police arrive just in time to pull my lifeless, bloodied, and smashed body from the car. The horror sets in and I realize, I'm dead. I stand and watch them lay the cover over my body, grief and pain clouds my head.   I didn't even get to hold him one last time.

"Where is he? He was supposed to be here an hour ago." I state, while trying not to cry. As much as I told myself not to be, I was really fucking worried.
"Calm down, Ryan. He's probably stuck in traffic, how about we turn on the tv and pass the time."  Wade, one of the security guards, says. He grabs the remote and switches on the tv.

This just in, a severe crash has just occured on Highway 14, one victim slightly injured, the other killed on impact.  My stomach drops, Dallon was on that highway.

"Turn it off." I demand, Wade gives me a confused look.

"Please it's making me nervous."

I state and he complies and gives me a small smile.

"I'm sure he's on his way now."

  He reassures me, but I can't shake this feeling, something isn't right. I rub my hands on my pants and try to sit still, but my nerves are killing me, I can't take it anymore.

"No, no something's wrong. Can I  call the hospital, I just wanna know who was involved."

Wade looks hesitant, but he nods slightly and hands me his phone.
I dial the the hospital's number and pace until a woman answers.

"Hello, Brickton's Hospital and Medical Care, how may I help you?"

"I need to know who was involved in that car crash."

"Can you be a little more specific sir?" She asks, and I can hear her shuffling through papers.

"The crash on Highway 14, please it's important."

"Uhm, are you a family member, I can't disclose information unless you're a relative or the police."

"Jesus Fuck, Lady! His name is Dallon Weekes, was he involved in the crash or not. I'm begging you, please tell me something."

"Are you a relative or not?"

"Yes! He's been my boyfriend for as long as I can remember, he hasn't come to get me and I'm really worried. I just want to know if he's okay."

"Can I have your name please?"

"It's Ryan. Ryan Ross...did something happen?"

"We tried to call the facility. He passed at the scene. I'm sorry for your loss."

The phone slips from my hand to the floor. This must be a dream. I have to be asleep. He wouldn't leave like that.
We were so close. Wade, who had been inspecting his phone, turns to me. "Ryan what the hell!? What happened? What'd they say?" He asks, worriedly. "Pinch me." I request , softly.
"What?" He asks, giving me a confused look.

"Pinch me." I repeat, voice wavering.
He reaches over and pinches me, I feel the slight pain shoot up my arm.

"I'm awake." The room spins slightly and suddenly I can't breathe.
"I'm awake, no no no I'm not asleep. He's gone, he's gone, he's gone." My voice breaks and cracks with every word. I feel the tears on my face, they flow and flow, like a storm that never stops, a waterfall that never ends. My knees go weak and I sink to the floor.

You were only supposed to die in my dreams. You were supposed to be here.

I feel Wade's arms wrap around me.

It dawned on me then that you were the one thing I wanted to live for. The one thing I loved more than anything. You were my everything.

Now I have nothing. I am nothing.

An empty shell.

I know it's selfish but I hate you for dying.

You were my life source.

And now you're just..Gone.


Hey I'm backk and sorry as well I was trying to find a way to draw this book out and make it last but all things must come to an end. The next chapter (s) will be the ending, epilogue and alternate cause this too sad for me ):  ~Layla🍃 all love see u soon for sure this time (;

 The next chapter (s) will be the ending, epilogue and alternate cause this too sad for me ):  ~Layla🍃 all love see u soon for sure this time (;

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