8. Je suis tout à vous🍂

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{ryan's p.o.v.}
{play the song while reading}

I shiver in the backseat as we pull into the garage next to Dallon's house. He unlocks the door and I climb out, feeling jittery and out of place. He smiles at me softly and motions for me to follow him into the house. A warm breeze hits my body as soon as I step foot into the house, a wave of pumpkin spice and vanilla fills my nose and I sigh letting the smell surround me. I stand there, eyes gliding around the house, taking it in. A sharp pain in my back snaps me out of my daze, I frown and turn facing Brendon, who was just now lowering his hand. I glare at him. "You look a little dazed...are you alright?" He asks, his voice soft and smooth. I nod and turn away quickly, pieces of dirt and grass fly out around me and land on the fluffy, white carpet, smudging it slightly. Brendon makes a sound from behind me, "He's gonna be pissed, and you didn't take off your shoes. He's giving you the 'respect other's homes' lecture for sure." He tells me, chuckling softly. My eyebrows furrow and a small ping of worry eats away at me until, Dallon returns, an outfit and a towel in hand. Brendon flops down on the couch, kicking his feet up. "Look what Ryan did to your rug." He tells Dallon in a sing-song voice. Dallon's eyes immediately focus on the carpet and I hold my breath, waiting to be yelled at, but it's silent. I peek out of my eye, only to see Dallon smiling softly. "Don't be scared, I can just wash it." He says, smiling at me warmly. He stares at me and I feel myself getting red as I bow my head, hair flopping over my eyes, heart beating in chest. "Okay. Sorry." I reply, not looking up. Brendon scoffs from the couch. "You'll wash it?! What the hell? I got a 40 minute lecture about not respecting your house, but he gets a smile and everything's okay?" Dallon rolls his eyes. "You should probably clean off, huh?" He asks, grabbing my hand and leading me to the bathroom. "Here's a towel, I'll be in the living room if you need me, so- so don't..be afraid to ask for help...or something." He says, laughing as he gets a small blush across his face. I smile and give thanks before shutting the door after him and making my way over to the shower. I pull my shirt over my head, more specks of dirt fall to the ground as I kick off my pants, that were now caked with dried mud. I step into the shower and turn on the faucet and sigh as the warm water hits my skin. I scrub at myself for what seemed like eternity, before drying myself off and eyeing the clothes Dallon had given me. A light blue shirt, black pants. Simple. I grin and get dressed before making my way to the living room.

°dallon's p.o.v.°

I hear the bathroom door open and turn my attention away from Brendon who was still mad about the carpet. Ryan makes his way down the hall into the living room and I'm surprised actual drool didn't start dripping from my mouth. He looked stunning, even in something so casual, he was breathtaking,. His hair was now a bit curly, still wet with water, his face was clear, all the mud now washed away. The shirt sticks to his body, sinking low around his neck, a small dark spot had formed in the middle of the shirt, but I ignore it and continue to take him in.

I'll always think ryan looks best in blue

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I'll always think ryan looks best in blue.
anyways. back to the story.🍂

That is. Until an elbow pokes me hard in the ribs. "Fawn a little more why don't you, Dallon. You're practically drooling." Brendon says, frowning and rolling his eyes. I feel my cheeks burn as I turn back to Ryan who was now red too. I smile awkwardly and pat the seat next to me and giving him a questioning look. He nods and sits next to me, focusing on the movie Brendon had put on.

*a few hours later*

"I'm leaving, I'll see you later." Brendon calls out, as he slips his shoes on. I nod a goodbye and he frowns, linking his arms around my neck. "You don't seem to care that I'm leaving." Brendon pouts and I laugh. "I need a break from you sometimes." I reply, poking him in the arm he sticks his tongue out and kisses my cheek. "Bye, don't do anything to that kid, you sicko." He whispers in my ear before laughing and heading out the door. I'm not a sicko.. I think laughing softly. "I'm tired." Ryan says, as soon as I get back to the living room. "Oh, um I have a guest bedroom if you want to use it." I suggest, and he frowns, I quirk an eyebrow. "I'm- can't I sleep with you- in your room- I mean." He replies, cheeks flushed. I nod and lead him to my room. We both get on the bed hesitantly. Once we're under the covers he smiles at me. "You're warm." he whispers, giggling as he pushes towards me. I grin back, my heart pounding in my chest. "Why didn't you want to sleep in the guest room?" I ask, and he turns red, bowing his head. "I just don't like being alone." He replies and I nod, picturing him alone in that big (haunted) house. We stare at each other for a second, just taking in the others face. "You're fascinating." I say breaking the silence. He quirks an eyebrow and I regret saying it, as I wait for rejection, again. But he only smiles moving closer. "You think so?" He asks, and I nod. I move to hold him. His chest presses against mine and warmth spreads throughout me. "So, so stunning." I say, breath wavering as he moves his face closer, we're inches apart. He begins to smile slowly, "I think you're fascinating too." He replies, holding eye contact with me. I swallow the lump in my throat and my gaze drops to his lips. Then back up to his eyes, he's waiting for something, so am I. But neither of us wants rejection. So we stay, wrapped around each other, waiting. Until I can't wait anymore. My heart's beating against his. There's another lump in my throat I swallow it down and lift a hand to the side of his face. I kiss him quick, lips barely touching. I wait for his response. He frowns. My heart sinks. His hand moves to the back of my neck, and he's pulling me to him. Mouths crashing together. His lips smooth against mine as I deepen the kiss, wanting more. He smiles against my mouth. And moves to straddle me. We stare for as sec, taking deep breaths before he leans down pressing to mine again. His tongue swipes against my bottom lip and I open my mouth, letting him in. We kiss and kiss and kiss, before he's moving down to my neck pressing soft kisses against my skin and along my jawline. Im in a daze, my world feels slowed as he sucks on the skin, below my ear. He stops and peers into my eyes, he's in a daze of his own. I can tell. He twitches, laughing softly. Before leaning down, kissing me once more, I breath out slow and lick the bottom of my lip. I feel hot all over. "I like you." I say and he nods. "I really do." I continue and he smiles. He moves to lay down next to me. "Je suis tout à vous." His breath hot on my ear. "What's that mean?" I ask and I feel him smile against my cheek. "Je suis tout à vous. I'm all yours."


this is so extra but then again I'm an extra kind of person😛 also I'm just warning you that all my stories have plot twists and you probably won't like this one but I'll liven up their relationship before it crashes and burns😂 lol jk also it's kinda bad and poorly written but it's 7am and I haven't slept💁~ ☁

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