Yandere! Maki x Yandere Nozomi x Yandere Eli x Female! Delinquent! Reader

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Damn that is one long title xD anyway here is your request flaky1606 hope you will enjoy but I'm sorry if this turned out crappy and please correct me if there are any mistakes  xD.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"I think I really should start going." I said and the gang groan

"Why? We didn't even do anything today! All we did was sit down and waste our damn time!" (F/N) said, I sigh
"I know, but what else could we do? There were no fun things to do. So for once why not do nothing?" I suggested and they sigh and nodded

"Besides that did you guys notice that the students here started disappearing?" I said and they all looked at me

"Yeah, of course we noticed." (F/N) said and I giggle

"I wonder what happened to them, but sadly it is their problem." I said in a monotone.

"We should start going home now." (BF/N) said and everyone sigh and nodded then we picked up our bags and started heading towards the gate when we made it to the gate I turn around to look at Otonokizawa one more time but then I saw a familiar girl.
"You guys go ahead, I think I left something." I lied but they believed me anyway, on my way to her  I stop when I noticed she turn around and ran. I ran towards her and when she turned right I turned right as well but she wasn't there anymore... Weird... I sigh and went to the gate again. Then I noticed  something, no it was someone. I turn around again this time the girl was now clearly and it was,
"Eli-chan?" I whispered and she suddenly smirked but there was something wrong with her smirk. I turn around again and went home. On my way home it was dark and I was surprised to see Eli, wasn't she afraid of the dark?
"Eli?" I asked and slowly she walked towards me and I backed away.

"Hey Eli, do you need something?" I asked and Eli shook her head and said.

"Just don't mind me, I'm just heading home." She said

"But aren't you afraid of the dark? And plus isn't your house the other way?" I said while pointing the other way and Eli giggled.
"Is that so?" She said and turn around then I watched as she slowly disappear. I sigh and continue walking again. Then when I entered my house I went to the kitchen and cooked dinner which was pork cutlet. When I was done cooking I prayed and ate dinner.  As always after eating I washed the dishes and then studied after studying I brushed my teeth and went to bed.

I woke up early as usual since I still need to make food, while preparing I got a call from Nozomi, I sigh and picked

"Alright what did those idiots do this time?!" I said while waiting for the water to boil and Nozomi giggled
"They did nothing (Y/N)cchi, I'm just here to say good morning." She said and I looked confused, Nozomi-san calling just to say good morning to me? 
"Well then good morning. Is that all you need to say?" I said and then I heard another giggle

"Yeah, that's all, see you at school." She said then ended the call, I stared at my phone weirdly but soon I received another call from... Maki?
"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, (Y/N)-san, since you are smart at (F/S) can you please teach me?" She said and I looked confused
"But Maki, yesterday you got a perfect score on yesterday's quiz." I said and Maki sigh

"Geez, can't I hang out with a friend?" She said and I sigh

"If you wanted to hang out with me you don't have to lie about it, you can just say that you want to hang out with me."  I said

"You sure it is okay for you to hang out with me?" She asked and I sigh

"Yes, if I'm not busy."

"Then how about today? After classes?" She said and I sigh and nodded

"Let's see if I'm not busy." I said

"Of course." She said but something was off about her voice but I shrug it off

"Anyway I gotta go." I said and ended the call then continued cooking.

After cooking I took a bath and wore my uniform but I didn't button my vest I left it like that. Then I grab my lunch and bag and left and went to school. I went to school wearing earphones and listening to some musics. Then someone covered my eyes I grab that person's hand and turn around and saw Nozomi
"Good morning (Y/N)cchi." She said sweetly and I nodded, didn't she say good morning just a few minutes ago?
"Ah, (Y/N)-san! Good morning." I turn around again and saw Eli.

"Good morning Eli." I said and she smiled but when she saw Nozomi her smile disappeared her eyes went blank.

"I see you and Nozomi are walking together." She said coldly and Nozomi's eyes were also blank

"Well yes, we were fine with just me and (Y/N) but then you arrived and ruin everything." She said coldly and Eli giggled coldly and I was surprised wasn't Eli and Nozomi best friends.
"(Y/N)-chan! Good morning!" Then I saw Maki and Nozomi and Eli looked at Maki but as soon as Maki noticed Nozomi and Eli she glared at them
"It seems like you two know MY classmate." She said and Nozomi and Eli walked towards Maki

"Of course we know her! But she belongs to me!" Eli said as she pointed at herself and Nozomi giggled
"Hahahahaha, nice joke Elicchi, but (Y/N) belongs to me and only me!" Nozomi said while pushing Eli a little bit.
"You 3rd years shouldn't joke around. (Y/N) belongs to ME and she knows that!" Maki joined in and the 3 of them started shouting at each other. Until Nozomi took out a cutter
"Shut up! Shut up! (Y/N) is mine! And I have no plans on sharing her!" She said and lifted the cutter and pointed it at Maki and Eli took out a small knife but I'm sure it was sharp and she pointed the knife at Nozomi.
"I deserve (Y/N) more than you two!" She said and Maki took out a gun and pointed at Eli, I didn't know what to do,
"You guys! Stop right now! We are in a really dangerous place!" I shouted and started walking towards them but then they pointed their weapons at me and I backed away
"Guys... What has gotten into you three?" I asked and they looked at each other.

"Why don't we share her?" Eli suggested while touching my cheek I blushed

"Share? No thanks!" Maki said

"I agree with Maki, I want (Y/N) all to myself!" Nozomi said, I stood there clearly confused. 

What the hell is happening?

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