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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.  

Today was finally New Year's Eve which means January 1, which means it would be Kurosawa Dia's birthday. Me and the rest of the members of Aqours (except for Dia) prepared New Year's Eve. While preparing I checked the time and it was almost New Year... I just smiled and continued preparing.

While preparing You and Mari and Yoshiko (Yohane*) were the one cooking and Hanamaru, Riko and Ruby were in charge of the decorations. And as for Chika, Kanan and I, we were just checking to see if things were stable and everyone seemed to handle the situation.  And so me, Kanan and Chika was just goofing around playing card games but of course we still helped! 

Before we knew it You, Mari and Yoshiko (YOHANE!) were almost done, You cooked her famous Nicenoodles and as for Mari, her expensive Stewshine and for Yoshiko (I TOLD YOU IT IS YOHANE!) her spicy 'Tears of Fallen Angel'. And as for Hanamaru, Ruby and Riko the decorations was just incredible, I couldn't be more surprised.

Once everything was set up all we needed to do was to inform Dia that everything was now prepared. I know she would get really mad because we didn't call her so she can help out but I was hiding one surprise. 

Wondering what the surprised would be? 

Well, I planned on confessing but I knew she would reject me. But it is worth a shot right?

Soon a knock was heard at the front door of my house which I assumed that Dia arrived and when I opened the door it was her and so we welcomed her.
"Why didn't you guys tell me that you were going to prepare for New Year?" She asked and it was just as I expected. And so I stepped forward to explain,
"Well you seemed busy with Student Council stuff we didn't want you to stress too much so we didn't tell you that we were preparing for New Year, and also it is your birthday as well." I explained happily and Dia sigh but soon a bright smile appeared in her features. 
"Geez you guys..." She said and I blushed and looked away,

"Gomen ne, Dia-chan." I apologized and Dia blushed because I called her 'Dia-chan' for the first time.
"Why don't we start eating?" Chika said and Riko and You looked at her.

"Chika-chan you do know that..." Riko said and soon You finished Riko's sentence.

"It is still not New Year?" You continued Riko's sentence and Chika sweatdropped

"Right?" The both said in unison and Chika scratched the back of her neck and giggle nervously.

"Heheheheh sorry." She apologized and we all giggled and Chika's aloof side.

"Now, what should we do while we wait?" I asked and everyone was silenced and soon Mari smirked 
"Why don't we play Truth or Dare?" Mari suggested and everyone nodded in agreement and we went to the living room and played truth or dare.
"Alright, I'll go first." I said while raising my hand.

"Alright, (Y/N) truth or dare?" Kanan smirked and I stood up 

"Hey where are you going?" Kanan asked and I continued to walk towards the kitchen,

Soon I came back with 2 bottles of booze and 4 small 
"Every time someone doesn't answer a question or do a dare they have to take 1 shot. There that should make this game interesting." I smirked and the third years except for Dia smirked.

"But, I only brought 4 because I don't want the first years and second years to-" before I could finish my sentence You drank the bottle.

"Waaaah it tastes good~" You-chan said while continuing to drink soon when she looked at Riko she drank some but she didn't chug it down yet instead she kissed Riko which cause everyone to gasp in surprise and Dia quickly covered Ruby's eyes soon Riko blushed and the kiss became really aggressive. When they were done kissing a string of saliva was visible. (A/N: I did not write that part, it was my friend ToT) 
"Um... I guess I'll just take the wine then... Let's just play a normal truth or dare." I said and took the booze and You-chan hiccuped and cried softly on Riko's shoulder
"Alright, (Y/N) truth or dare?" Kanan asked again and I smirked

"Dare." I crossed my arm and Kanan sigh

"Umm... I dare you to confess to your crush!" She said and I felt like I was shrinking in my spot everyone smirked except for Dia who was clueless of the situation. When I was about to tell Dia, I was pushed and I now my face and Dia's face was close which caused me to freak out. I knew I should confess while I still have the courage to confess.

"I... Uh... Um... I love-" but then the sound of the fireworks surprised us. We went outside and watched the fireworks from the distance. But what surprised me more was when the fireworks boomed Dia kissed me... The kiss didn't last long though but I still enjoyed it.
"I... I love you (L/N) (Y/N)..." She mumble and I couldn't help but blush but soon I smiled and hugged her
"I love you too! Kurosawa Dia!" I shouted like a little kid and Dia pat my head and smile.

"Why don't we go outside along with the rest and watch the fireworks?" She suggested and I nodded and we went to where the rest were just outside and Riko was having a hard time carrying You-chan and so I helped her carry the drunk You-chan while my other hand was tightly intertwined with Dia's hand. 

I'm so glad that Dia actually loved me back. I wish our love would last forever.


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