Nitta Emi x Female! Reader

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Here is your request Thiirrdd! Oh and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY EMITSUN! I know Emitsun's birthday is Dec. 10 xD

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Hey (Y/N)-chan! Guess what day it is today?!" Emitsun said while she tackled me into a tight hug and I knew it was her birthday but I decided to tease her. 
"Ehhhh? Today is Sunday why?" I pretended not to know that today was her birthday,  

"Are you sure today is just a normal Sunday?" She asked and I nodded slowly but in my mind I knew today was her birthday, it was already obvious, after all she is famous!
"Don't you have a concert today?" I said and Emitsun slowly nodded

"Y-yeah." She said and I pat her head

"You should prepare for that." I said and she looked sad and nodded

"Alright..." She said and started walking away.

"Hey, you okay?" I said as I pat her shoulder and she nodded

"Yeah... I'm fine." She said and I pouted, maybe this was a bad idea.

"Hey Emitsun! Wait up!" I said as I ran towards her.

"I was actually kidding, I know today is your birthday, why would  forget my girlfriend's birthday?" I said and her eyes were filled with joy and a warm smile appeared in her features and  I blush at the way she smile and soon she hugged me 
"Say why don't we go buy something for your birthday?" I suggested and Emitsun nodded, then we went to the favorite stories Emitsun would go and bought the things she wanted, geez I seriously spoiled this woman to the point where all the things she want she would go to me.(A/N: ify, I definitely spoiled my crush to the point where she would go to me or to her crush when she wants something... But regardless seeing her smile is enough for me xD)


"I should go home now, I still have a concert remember?" Emitsun and I finally sigh in relief my legs were soon going to give up. Just how much stamina does this woman have?!
"Good bye (Y/N)-chan, see you later." She said as she quickly kissed me in the cheeks which cause me to blush and flinch
"Mou, I wanted a kiss from here." I said while pointing my lips and Emitsun giggle

"Alright." She said and quickly peck my lips 

"There, are you satisfied?" She said and I nodded like a little kid.

"See you later Emitsun!" I shouted like a little girl and I smile brightly and went home to rest for a while. That woman is clearly filled energy so I'm sure she will do just fine with her concert. I'm so lucky to be the one dating her.


I waited at the front row, I was excited to see Emitsun, and as always I brought my light stick with me, soon Emitsun entered the stage and I began jumping up and down while waving my light stick like a fan who finally saw her idol. Which is how me and Emitsun first met.

~A quick Flashback~

"Hello everyone! I am Nitta Emi or also known as Emitsun and I'm the one voicing Kousaka Honoka!"  She said and her words were filled with tons of energy which cause my heart to beat. I smile brightly as they performed START:DASH!! 

Before I knew it the fan meeting was over, and I somehow got all of their photographs on my t-shirt, and I also got the chance to take a selfie with Emitsun. I just couldn't forget the day, where Emitsun actually remembered my name. I was surprised when she actually remember my name. And she confessed to me during my birthday last year, I smile as I realize our relationship is about to reach 2 years.

~End of flashback~

I smile widely as I saw Emitsu performing some of her songs and some of the songs from Love Live!! It actually pain me to see her cry during their last live but now seeing her smile just makes me the happiest person, when she saw me, it seems like her energy was boosted and now she was more energetic, I giggle and she would glance at me. 

When the concert was over I went to the back stage and saw Emitsun, when she saw me she ran towards me and hugged me. Then  I grab a orange box and handed it to her
"Happy birthday, Emitsun!" I said cheerfully and she opened the box which revealed a silver necklace with a music note she smile and hugged me once again.
"Here let me help you wear it." I said and she nodded and turn around and grab her hair and I help her wear the necklace once she was wearing the necklace she grab the music note and looked at me.
"Thank you (Y/N) for being with me." She mumble and I laugh quietly

"You're welcome." I said and pat her head.

"I love you, Nitta Emi." I said and she blushed and looked away.

"I love you t-t-too, (L/N) (Y/N)." She mumble under her breath

"What? I can't hear you." I decided to tease and she playfully punch my shoulders.

"I know you heard me, don't make me repeat it." She said and I raise my hands in defeat and nodded
"Alright, alright." I said and giggle.

"Thank you, this is the best birthday so far." She said and look the necklace I gave her.

"You're welcome. C'mon let's go, I still have one last surprise." I said then we went outside and then there were fireworks, spelling her name, the fireworks was beautiful, but when I glance at Emitsun who was admiring the fireworks, I realized Emitsun is more beautiful.

And I'm glad that I am dating her and I'm glad that I met her. 

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