Aqours x Mysterious! Trap! Reader pt. 2

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Decided to make a part 2 since I don't have anything to do that seems important xD

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

As I walk back to my dad's other home I was greeted with one of his henchmen, I greeted back, and they smiled, and so we went to where my dad was. He was sitting down on his chair, and he was focused on the laptop that he didn't even notice me,
"Heya father." I spoke, and he looked up and I walked towards him, I went to his back to see what he was doing, and he was looking through some information,

"May I?" I said while pointing at the laptop and my dad nodded and handed me the laptop,

"I'm going to do my job first, I'll be back when I finished the mission." He said and stood up and wore his usual black gloves, and he loosened his necktie and wore his black tuxedo and grab his black fedora hat and left the room along with his henchmen leaving me all alone in the room.

While looking through the informations of the bashers I noticed that most of the bashers were girls, which is kinda understandable. When someone passed by I recognized the person and called him,
"Hey Luke!" I called his name, and he walked back and went inside the room,

"What is it?" He asked while crossing his arms,

"Can you do me a favor?" I asked and he nodded,

"Of course, what is it?" He spoke and I ushered him to come and stand beside me, and he did,

"This people are our target, I want to and your squad to find them and bring them here, make sure their unconscious, got it?" I said, and he nodded and started walking away, I quickly sent the names and the pictures of the basher to Luke's squad and now all I had to do was wait until all the bashers are unconscious.

Yō's P.O.V.

Still no sign of (Y/N), just where is she? We already went to her house but her mother told us that she isn't at home,
"Hey Yō-chan, isn't that (Y/N)'s dad?" Chika whispered and I looked at the direction where Chika was also looking, I nodded in agreement,
"Yeah that's (Y/N)-chan's dad maybe we should ask him." I suggested, and we went to (Y/N)'s dad,
"Mr. (L/N)!" We called him, and he seemed to notice and looked at our direction, and he smiled and walked towards us.
"Chika, Yō how are you guys been doing?" He said and we smiled

"We're doing just fine, we were wondering do you know where (Y/N) is?" I asked and Mr (L/N) nodded,
"She is currently at my house, feel free to go there." He said and pat our heads and started walking away, and so we went to Mr. (L/N)'s house.

When we arrived there we saw Luke and his friends leaving the place,
"Heya Luke where ya guys going?" I asked and Luke and his friends looked at us and smiled,

"Just somewhere, looking for (Y/N)?" He asked and examined us,

"And it seems like there are 7 more people visiting (Y/N) huh, well she is currently in second the living room, see ya later." He said and we said good bye and went inside the house,
"Whoa (Y/N)-san's house is bigger than my family's hotel, plus it has a lot of space in the front." Mari said in disbelief and me and Chika could snicker, when we entered the house everyone was amazed by how (Y/N)'s second home was huge, when me and Chika turned right and then left we came across two big doors which leads to the second living room, that is right the second, the first one was on the left and then right but the 1st one is mostly for parties and such meanwhile the second living room is a place where (Y/N) would often go, since it is quiet and how the fireplace would always be lit up and (Y/N) would be on the couch reading, or just reading some murder articles which was always her habit.

When we opened the door, inside the living room was (Y/N) standing in front of the fireplace while holding a picture frame, she looked really serious but we couldn't see the picture, I knocked on the door slowly and (Y/N) looked at us, clearly startled but soon she smiled at us sweetly,
"Heya, I see everyone is here." She said while examining everyone with that playful smirk.

"Yeah I hope you don't mind." Chika said and (Y/N) shook her head and walked towards us,

"Come inside, and please sit down." She said and we all sat down awkwardly,

"So what brings you guys here?" (Y/N) asks while placing down the picture frame, when she did she crossed her arms and smirked and lean on the fireplace which made her look hot and more masculine despite her being a female as well.
"W-well we wanted to know more about you." Riko stuttered a bit and (Y/N) smirked even more,
"Oh? Well, what do you want to know about me?" She said and walked closer to us, and we could feel the mysterious atmosphere.
"W-well... We want to know why you've been going home before anyone else." Dia spoke first and (Y/N) arched her eyebrow,
"Well, I'm sorry but I can't tell ya. It is something personal." She said and continued to cross her arms,
"It is a very important question so you better answer it." Kanan said and (Y/N) chuckled,

"Like I said it is something personal, besides. I just met you guys, I'm not some idiot who would tell something personal to someone they just met." (Y/N) said before rolling her eyes,
"But we're close." I spoke and (Y/N) nodded,

"Well you aren't wrong, but if I think it is really worth telling, I would tell you every single detail." She said leaned closer to my face, I blushed and looked away and in the corner of my eyes (Y/N) smirked and backed away.
"Ah that reminds me, did you guys already eat dinner?" She asked softly and worriedly as her eyebrows furrowed.
"No not really-"

"(Y/N)! There is an emergency! Some of Luke's squad members is badly injured! And now your dad is in bad shape and when he came to save Luke he was attacked and he'll die if you don't-" before he could finish his sentence he noticed us, he widen his eyes and glanced at (Y/N) who was really pissed off.
"Get out. I'll be there soon. Tell my dad to try and stay alive." She spoke angrily and the guy nodded clearly scared, we've never seen (Y/N) this angry before, so it actually scared us.
"I guess our little chit-chat is over." She said and stopped the fire on the fireplace,

"Tell us (Y/N) what was that guy talking about?" Chika said

"It is none of your business." (Y/N) said coldly,

"(Y/N) just tell us." I pleaded and clenched her fists,

"I told you it is none of your god damn business!" She shouted which cause us to flinch

"(Y/N), please..." Riko spoked softly, the first years were terrified and the third years were confused and suspicious. And finally (Y/N) snapped,
"Fine! You want to truth?! My dad is the yakuza leader all over in Japan! And soon I'll take his place! The reason as to why I go home early is because I go around Japan and look for your bashers because that is how much I love you guys! I killed all your bashers cold bloodedly!" She shouted and left the room leaving us confused, scared, worried and many mixed emotions.

Soon we all received a text from (Y/N), wait how did she get our numbers?

(Y/N): I love you guys with all my heart, I'm sorry for shouting please forgive me.

We were so priceless, we didn't know how to react.

(Y/N) loves us?

Hey I have a question what is the difference between a yakuza and hitman? 😂

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