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Kanan's P.O.V. 

Today's my birthday huh... I never really noticed. I guess I've been so focused on swimming to the point where I didn't notice.
"Kanan." I flinched and turn around and sigh in relief when I saw (Y/N).

"(Y/N), seriously stop scaring me." I said and she smiled and TRIED to hug me but I backed away.

"Don't, you'll get wet." I said and she pouted cutely, which was my weakness.

"Awwwm I just want one simple hug. Can't I have that?" She pleaded cutely and I blush and looked away. I opened my arms and looked away,
"Fine..." I said and her eyes gleamed with happiness as she tackle me in result her clothes were wet. We were both hugging tightly but (Y/N) backed away and her warmth was now gone.
"Uwaaaaah my clothes are wet." She complained and I roll my eyes and hugged her again which caused her to yelp cutely and she tried to escape my grasp by punching my shoulders playfully.
"Cute." I mumble and she froze and looked down and I continue to hug her like a stuff toy and soon I let go and she blushed,
"You're so annoying." She said and crossed her arms.

"Yeah, yeah I love you too." I said and pat her head and she pouted.

"You sure you guys aren't lovers?" Mari teased us and we both flinched and the rest of the members were there and me and (Y/N) stood there clearly shock, but soon (Y/N) was the first one to speak.
"We are 100% sure that we are not lovers... Well not yet I hope." She mumble the last few words which confused me and the rest of the members were smirking.

I wonder if they heard what (Y/N) said at the last?

~Time Skip~

"Eh?" I asked clearly dumbfounded,

"I have something to do later and I need your help so no swimming later alright?" She said and started walking away leaving me clearly confused,
"I didn't even get the chance to answer, I guess there is no escape to this huh..." I said while laughing nervously.
"Well I should swim before meeting up with (Y/N)...

~Another Time Skip cuz Laconia-chan still needs to sleep~

"I told you not go swimming!" I was scolded by a 2nd year whose name is (Y/N) apparently while I was swimming (Y/N) had arrived and I didn't even notice. I guess I had so much fun swimming I completely forgot that I still have to meet up with (Y/N).
"I well... I have a valid reason! Really I do!" I looked around and looked for a reason and when I glanced at (Y/N) she looked at me as if her expression says 'is it really valid reason?' which pressured me.
"I... Um... I was uh... I was told to collect some shells-"

"For our shop's decoration so it can attract the costumers?" She finished my sentence and I flinched and looked away because of embarrassment...
"Kanan you already told me that reason! Actually you always use that reason all the time." She continued to scold me and there was only one way to shut her up so I grab the back of her waist and kissed her passionately, which obviously shut her up.
"Finally you shut your mouth." I said and she blushed and I pat her head and smiled sweetly,

"I love you, (Y/N)." I said and she blushed once again and but she still looked mad but I could see a small smile on her adorable features.

"I love y-you t-too..." She mumble and I lean closer.

"Hmmm? I can't hear you." I smirked and she looked at the sand and I grab her chin and lifted it and now I was staring at her (E/C) orbs.
"I love you too, you idiot." She said and I pouted and looked away.

"Calling me and idiot is kinda rude ya know." I said and crossed my arms,

"Yeah, yeah, here." She said while handing me a box and I stare at it clearly confused and she placed it on my hand,
"Happy birthday." She said and flashed a toothy yet sweet smile and I opened the gift.

"You know, I prefer my gift to be you but thanks for this anyway!" I said and (Y/N) punched my shoulders playfully,
"You already have me in front of you though." She said and I smile and kissed her again/

"Yeah... Thanks..." I mumble as we hugged and watched the sunset together.

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