Overprotective! Dia x Shy! Female! Reader

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Here is your request Jayden595! Sorry for being not being active the past few days ;-; 

I'll explain as to why I haven't been updating after this one-shot

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"You know... You don't h-have to escort m-me when I head to m-my classroom..." I mumble and I knew what she was going to say next so I covered my ears,
"BU BUU DESU WA! Who knows what might happen to you if I don't escort you!" She said and I almost cried and Dia seemed to notice so she hugged me,
"Hey I'm sorry, I'm just worried something might happen to you." She whispered softly and I blushed and hid my face.
"C'mon let me escort you to your classroom." She said while holding my hand, I looked down while heading to my classroom.
"You should look up, don't worry about the people who is looking at you." Dia said and I looked up slowly and saw her emerald and beautiful eyes. 
"You should look up more you're really cute you know." She said and smiled and I turned beet red once again.
"Y-you're s-so mean Dia-chan..." I mumble and she giggle and we both continued walking.

When we arrived at my classroom she hugged me once again and kissed my forehead.
"I'll see you at lunch time alright?" She said and left, when I entered my classroom everyone was whispering things,
"Hey are you dating Dia-senpai?" One of my classmates asked and I blushed and shook my head,
"Ehhhh seriously?! I hope you guys would end up dating since you guys look so cute together." She said and left leaving me all flustered,
"So when are you going to confess?" I flinched when I heard You's voice and I glanced at her and saw You, Riko and Chika.
"I don't know... M-maybe n-never?" I stuttered even though me and You and Riko and Chika were close friends.
"What do you mean by never? You need to tell her how you feel!" Chika said and Riko and You nodded,
"Yeah you should let Dia-san know how you truly feel than just stick to the little sister role." Riko said and I blushed,
"W-well... When s-should I confess then?" I asked and they smirked 

"Today." They said and I felt like shrinking, sure I was going to confess but today?! No way!

"Eh?! Seriously?!" I said and while my eyes were wide and they nodded,

"You've been in love with her for 2 years and I think she deserves to know how you feel." You said and I played with my fingers and I finally sigh,
"W-well... I guess I should try..." I said and they all smiled and hugged me,

"Our little (Y/N) is finally growing up." Chika said and I laugh a bit and pushed them.

"Alright that is enough." I said and we smiled and soon the bell rang and they went back to their places.

~Time Skip~

It was finally lunch time and well I waited for Dia to come by my classroom, and when I saw she hugged me.
"Hey don't have anything to do that includes the student council?" I asked while walking towards the student council room,
"Well I have tons of things to sort out and finish but of course, I need to watch over you." She said and smiled, I blushed and looked away.

Attempt #1,

"Hey Dia-chan, I-I-I l-l-love..." I stuttered and Dia looked at me clearly confused,

"You love what?" She asks while leaning closer I blushed and backed away,

"I really love (F/F)! Did you know that?" I said and Dia giggle and pat my head,

"Of course I know that." She said and I blushed even more and we both entered the student council room,

Attempt #2,

"Hey Dia-chan," I mumble while Dia hummed in response, she didn't look at me instead she was looking at the files that were stacked up.
"Hey look at me while I'm speaking." I said demandingly and I tried to act serious but of course my voice sounded soft.
"What is it (Y/N)?" She said and this time she looked at me and I blushed and looked around.
"Is being a student council president difficult?" I asked but soon I face-palmed I wasn't supposed to say that!

Just thinking about those 3 words already makes me nervous.

"Well all the responsibility is on you but overall it is okay." She said softly and I couldn't help but fall for her even more.

She's is going to graduate so use the chance to confess to her while you are still with her.

Attempt #3,

"I really love-" before I could finish my sentence the bell rang causing me to curse.

"Well, why don't we go now?" Dia suggested and I could only nod and so we went to my classroom silently.

Attempt #4,

"There is something I've been meaning to tell you." I said while holding Dia's soft hands, she looked at me and there was a small blush on her cheeks,
"W-what is it?" She said and I inhaled and exhaled deeply,

"I... Really..." I stopped talking when I realized how pointless it was to explain, I giritted my teeth and looked down,
"Actually never mind..." I mumble while running towards my classroom. When I entered the room I was lucky because the moment I sat down at my place the teacher had just arrived.
"So did you confess?" Chika asked and I looked down and shook my head and sigh sadly.

"Why not try confessing after class?" Riko suggested and I nodded,

"Yeah I'll try." I said and pages more attention to the teacher.

~Time Skip~

When classes were finish I placed my stuff inside my bag neatly and I walk towards the door, then I turn around and Chika held her thumbs up and Riko smiled sweetly and You did her usually 'yosouro' pose. I smiled and nodded. I went to the student council room and there she was.
"Ah (Y/N) I'm sorry I can't walk with you today it seems like I need to finish all of this." She said while pointing at the stacks of papers, I gripped the strap of my bag as I exhaled deeply,
"I... I... I love you Dia-chan!" I stuttered and blushed so my head hung low, afraid to meet her eyes. But then I felt her fingers on my chin. She raised my chin and now I met her emerald-like eyes that were shining beautifully,
"I've been waiting for you to say that." She said and kissed me. I didn't know what to do but eventually I kissed back, her lips were soft and warm. When she backed out first she hugged me,
"I love you too (Y/N)." She said in a hush yet soft voice.

Yo people sorry for not updating in like days 😅 the reason as to why I haven't been updating is that,
1.) Projects I have 3 projects that are hella difficult.
2.) Sports I still have badminton training.

.) The damn wifi is so slow.
4.) Tons of things to do and don't worry just 3 more weeks and it would finally be summer~!

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