Iida Riho x Singer! Male! Reader

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Here is your request MTgirlgamer345

Rippi's P.O.V.

I was currently at home watching TV and I heard there was an event, which was Song of Tokyo. And I noticed (Y/N)-kun's name, who is he? Well he's my boyfriend... We started dating for 3 years and I still remembered I've started liking ever since he was first seen on stage, (Y/N) is 1 year older than me.

While watching the event, I waited for (Y/N)'s performance which was after LiSA's performance. I watched Aqours performance and I began smiling, Aqours really shined... This reminded me of muse... But I shouldn't feel down about this!

After a few performances, it was finally LiSA's turn.

Before I knew it was already (Y/N)'s turn. At first they interviewed him but sjnce he was half Japanese half American he understood what the fans would say.
"(Y/N), what do you have to say  to your fan here?" The host said and he smile and said,

"Well, first of all I wanted to thank everyone for being here and for travelling her all the way to Japan and I hope you will enjoy this event." He said in english the host was just speechless. The way (Y/N) spoke in english was just so fluent.
"Well I guess he doesn't need a translator." The host joked and everyone began laughing. Soon the host began asking the fan next to her questions.
"Now, what is your name and where are you from?" She asked both in English and Japanese and the girl introduced herself,
"I'm (R/N) and I'm from (R/C/N)." She introduced herself and smiled.

"Well nice meeting you (R/N), so what do you like about (Y/N)?" The host asked and I increased the volume to hear the question.
"Well, everything about him. His (E/C) eyes, his (H/C) hair, and most of all his passion for music." She stated and the host translated it in Japanese, not for (Y/N) but for those who didn't understand English.
"Thank you, thank you so much," (Y/N) said while bowing.

"So what is your favorite song by (Y/N)?" The host once again translated it to English and Japanese
"Well it would be (R/S/N)."

"Why?" The host asked.

"Well, (Y/N)'s songs is mostly about depression or romance or rock. But I mostly listened to his rock music and rarely listen to his sad songs or love songs. It still impressed me every time I hear a new song from him I would watch it immediately." She stated and the host the translated it and (Y/N)'s smile widen.
"So, (Y/N) what can you say about your fans who are here?" The host stated.

"Actually I'm glad you're here, and I couldn't get any happier. Thank you everyone for being here and I wish you would come to one of my concerts." He said and looked at the canrea, it was as if we looked at each oth because soon he smiled and waved at me or to the camera,
"Um... Excuseme but you wouldn't mind if I use the rest room?" (Y/N) said and the host nodded.
"Sure." Then (Y/N) left the stage and went to the restroom, soon the host was talking to each other. And the camera was going everywhere,

Soon my phone started ringing which cause me to flinch, I grab my phone and answered the call.

"Ah Rippi, are you watching the Songs of Tokyo?" It was (Y/N) voice and I blushed

"Y-yeah I am..." I suttered a bit.

"Alright just continue watching." He said and there was a bit of a playful tone on his voice and soon he hung up and now he appeared at the stage again.
"You wouldn't mind if I say something?" (Y/N) said and the host nodded and soon he grab his phone and began clicking something until my phone started ringing...
"Hello?" My voice echoed around the stadium.

"Hey Rippi," he called my name.

"Y-yeah?" Once again my voice echoed. Soon (Y/N) took out a red box and his left foot kneeled down while the right leg wasn't I widen my eyes when he opened the box which revealed a gold ring with a diamond on the ring.

"WILL YOU MARRY ME?" He shouted and everyone was surprised at his suddenly proposal. I was also surprised tears wouldn't stop falling,
"Yes." I said and (Y/N) stood up and smiled

"Yes!" He said and everyone cheered for him the stadium was now filled with squeals and shouts.

I'm glad I fell in love with (Y/N).

I'm sorry if this was somewhat short, I ran out of ideas XD


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