Mari x Shy! Female! Reader pt. 1

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Here is your request Hanamura1! AND FINALLY I FINISHED MY EXAM!

Mari's P.O.V.


"Hmmm? Why are you alone?" I said at the shorter girl  who had (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes, she just stared at me before turning red and she started running away, I wanted to chase her but I stood there clearly confused,

Who was that girl?

"Mari-chan!" I turn around and saw Kanan-chan and noticed a black-haired girl behind Kanan-chan.
"Mou Dia, stop hiding." Kanan-chan said and Dia flinched,

"Pigiii." She screamed and me and Kanan-chan laughed and Kanan-chan hugged Dia and I pouted,
"I want a hug too."  I said and Kanan-chan hugged me, and so we hugged when I opened my eyes I saw the same girl who looked at me I stared at her in confusion as she smile and turn around and walked away.

~End of Flashback~

"I wonder if she had the same school as ours." I asked myself as I looked through the student's information folder. I'm already a 3rd year and I still haven't found that girl...
"You know its been I don't know how many years since you looked for that girl." Dia said while placing down another set of folders that contains basic information about a certain student.

I grab about 5 folders and opened each one, none of them looked similar to the one I saw back when I was a kid- wait...
"Mari?" Dia said and I look up with joy,

"I finally found her!" I said and showed her the folder and Dia grab the folder and scanned the folder,
"(L/N) (Y/N). 2nd year, likes (F/F) and likes the color (F/C) is extremely shy so talking to her would be difficult since she would suddenly run away the moment you try and talk to her and she is part of the track club which is why she tends to escape quickly." Dia said out loud and I pointed at the picture,
"She looks just like the girl that I saw when we were kids!" I exclaimed and Dia  sigh,

"So I'm guessing you're going to look for her?" Dia said and I nodded, and stood up, I walked towards the empty and quiet halls and looked for her, I went to every single corner of the school and soon I saw her, those (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes, I'm sure that this is the girl who I met when we were kids,
"Wait!" I said and she flinched and turned around when she saw me she gave me the same look before running, and this time. I chased her.

While running she was indeed fast, but I ran even faster trying to at least grab her uniform, when I was close to grabbing her she turned to the left and I was too late to react. I widen my eyes as I slip and well landed on the floor,
"A-are y-you o-okay?" I opened my eyes slowly and turned red and realized that it was the girl who I was chasing, I was shock, she actually talked to me!
"What happened?" I asked and she sigh and explained,

"You bumped into a wall and well you have a small injury." She said and I nodded, and stood up.

"You didn't stutter!" I said and she blushed and looked down, and soon when I blinked my eyes she disappeared, 


"Why did she go?" I said and stood up slowly, when I was in the door there I saw her running and she turned to the right and she escaped, 

I smirked and laugh a bit,

"Man she is really hard to get." I said and walked back towards the student council room only to find Dia and Kanan kissing, I smirked and knocked lowly and cleared my throat,
"I believe that kissing in school is prohibited but for now I'll let it slide." I said and their faces were beet red and I laugh a bit,
"A-a-a-any luck with (L/N)-san?" Kanan asked while clearing her throat and I sigh and sat down and slouched
"I got to talk to her but soon she suddenly escaped, she is indeed a fast runner." I said and they both sigh,
"And are you going to give up?" Dia said and I sat up straight and shook my head,

"Of course not!" I said and they both smile and nodded,

"Well then why don't we get to know her more?" Kanan said while smiling and I was confused,

"What do you mean...?" I asked and Kanan smiled,

"Well, why don't we go to her place? I'm sure her parents wouldn't mind." She said and stood up, and I followed her and bombarded her with questions
"Hold on, hold on. You met her parent before?! Why didn't you tell me?!" I said and pouted and Kanan laughed nervously,
"Well, we met before and you didn't tell me her name how was I supposed to know?!" She said and Dia sigh,
"Come on let's just go." She said while carrying her bag and so we went to (Y/N) house.

Would I be able to stand a chance though? 

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