Facing Him

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     As my alarm went off, I got up out of bed and went to the bathroom. I done my business and got in the shower. I was putting my makeup on and noticed something on my neck. "That douche gave me a hickey last night, ugh!" I said to myself. I just covered it up the best I could and continued to get ready.      

(Kelsey's outfit)

(Kelsey's outfit)

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(Kelsey's hair)

(Kelsey's makeup)

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(Kelsey's makeup)

   I took one last look in the mirror and grabbed my bag and headed out the door

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   I took one last look in the mirror and grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I decided to walk cause the bus was always over crowded anyway. Plus it was only a 10 minute walk from my house.

    *Skip walk*

As I walked in the doors of Derry Maine High School, I immediately saw  one of the few people I actually talk to, Beverly Marsh. "Hey girl, how was your summer?" I asked as I gave Bev a huge hug. "It was good, I didn't have to deal with Greta. How about yours Kels?" I took a deep breath and said "It was good.... Till last night. Bowers and his boys caught me at my sneak out place and I have to meet him after school today." Beverly's eyes widened singling me to turn around. The one person I was trying to avoid walks through the door, and starts heading my way. "Kels I love you girl, but I'm going to head to class." Bev said. "I understand Bev, I love you too." Soon as she walked off, Henry walked over to me.

   "Hey sweetheart, looking good for this afternoon I see." He said as he turned and smirked at the boys. "I don't know what you got pictured in your head Bowers, but I'm "looking good" for myself. Not you." I said in a annoyed voice. "We'll see about that later." He said with a smirk plastered on his face as him and the boys walked off. "Ughhh" I said as I went and got my schedule. I went to my first block, which is English. "Not to bad." I thought to myself, it wasn't a big class or to hard for me. I do pretty good in English, so it should fly by.

*Skip to lunch*

    Henry has been on my mind all day, I guess I'm just nervous. I'm not scared of him, it's just something about him makes me feel weird. I was sitting in my thoughts until Beverly came up and set beside me. "Thank goodness your in here, I didn't want to have to sit by myself. What's wrong? You don't look like yourself." She asked concerned. "Meeting Henry this afternoon, it's been bugging me all day. I haven't been able to focus on anything today." I said playing with my food. "Look if it helps me and Richie will be a look out. Where do you have to meet him?" "No Bev, I'll be alright." "Kelsey I'm not taking no for an answer, now where?" "Out back by the fence." I said giggling. "Me and Richie will be close by, so that asshole better not try anything. " She said laughing. With that the bell rang singling us to go back to class. I gave Bev a hug and was on my way.

*Skips to 5th, last block*
      "Great, chemistry.." I sighed to myself. I walked into the class and took a seat, then Henry and Victor had to walk in. "You got to be kidding me." I said to myself. Henry noticed me and said "Hey sweetheart"  as he walked past me. I just rolled my eyes at him. "Okay boys and girls, gather your things. You're getting assigned seats." Ms. Newman said. The whole class puffed around, so did I but oh well. "Victor and Emily table one, Michael and Anne table two, Henry and Kelsey table three." "What the hell." I said to myself. "What was that Hoover?" Ms. Newman asked. "Nothing Ms. Newman" I said annoyed. I looked at Henry, who was already at the table and walked over and took a seat. As I set down he smirked and said, "Your ass looks good in those shorts." "Can you not throw some kind of slur every time you see me." I scuffed at him. He put his hand on my upper thigh and said, "That takes away all the fun though sweetheart." He kept moving his hand up my thigh, and this sent chills down my spine. He saw this was getting to me and a smirk grew on his face. I just rolled my eyes and hoped this class went by fast.

     *End of class*

    "Don't forget to meet me, or else." Henry said with a evil chuckle as he walked out of the door in front of me. "Oh how can I forget, you've reminded me enough today." I shot at him but he was already gone to find Patrick and Belch considering Victor was in the same class as you guys. Beverly and Richie walked up to me and Bev said, "I told Richie what's going on, so what time do you have to meet him?" "3:15." I sighed. Richie put his hand on my shoulder and said, " Don't worry Kel's, we got your back." I shot him a small smile and said, "Let's get this over with."

    As I was walking to the back fence, I looked up to see Henry and the boys standing there waiting. The closer I got, the more my stomach started to turn. "I'm just nervous is all, but why? Well  to late to turn back  now, here goes nothing." I say to myself. "You actually showed, I'm a little shocked. Most would've just suffered the consequences." Henry said laughing. "Well I'm not like most people, you don't intimate me." I said. "Oh I don't?" He said as he moved closer to me. "No." I said in a low tone. He was right up on me and whispered in my ear, "Oh but I think you are. I saw how you acted last night when I kissed your neck, making a bullshit excuse that you had a curfew. I know damn well your brother don't care. Also when I put my hand right here durning 5th." He slowly moved his hand back and fourth on my upper thigh and began to kiss down my neck again. Not being able to hold back anymore a small moan left my lips. I felt Henry smirk against my skin. "No, stop." I said as I grabbed his hand singling him to stop. "Oh come on sweetheart, you can't resist me forever." He said his face inches from mine. "We'll see about that Bowers." As soon as I finished my sentence, his lips crashed on to mine. At first, I didn't kiss back but something told me to. It got heated fast but he pulled back and whispered, "If I get to you now, just imagine what else I could do." He turned around to make sure the boys wouldn't looking and grabbed a piece of paper from his pocket, and putting it in my back pocket. "Come on boys let's get out of here." Henry yelled. With that the boys gathered in the car and sped off. 

   I turned and looked for Bev and Richie, but they where gone. "Great, now what do I do?" I said to myself. I pulled out the note Henry put in my pocket and it read, "Meet me at the old bridge at 9:30 tonight, it'll just be me." I shoved the note back into my pocket and lit a cigarette and started to walk home.

A/n:  I tried to make it longer for you guys. Why do you  think Henry wants to meet Kelsey alone? It's going to get better, I promise. If you ever have any ideas for the story, just message me. I need people to talk to anyways. Sorry if there's any errors I missed. Love you guys! 💕

 Word Count:1334

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