Can You Do It Again?

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   It's been a few days since Henry got back home. He's been acting different, like he's hiding something. Like maybe it's just me, but then again maybe I'm just jumping conclusions.

   Some of the things he'll do is randomly get up in the middle of the night and pace back and forth. My brother is letting him sleep in my room for a couple more nights. He keeps me up when he paces like that. I love him but I like my sleep too. I can't keep doing this. "Henry." I said sitting up like I just woke up. He turned and walked towards me. He sit down on the bed and looked at me. "Did I wake you up baby. If I did I'm sorry." He said grabbing my hand gently. "You're fine babe. It's just I know something is up, and you're not telling me. No secrets, remember?" I said putting my hand on his leg.

    He sat there staring off into to space. "So where is Patrick." I said breaking the silence. "Dead." He murmured. My eyes went wide as I looked at him. "I'm sorry but did you just say he's dead." I whisper yelled. "Yeah." He said quietly. It was quite for a few minutes. "I killed him Kelsey. Your brother knows, he's the one that helped with the whole arrangement." He spoke. "So he knew that you weren't going to come home that night? He knew were you where and what you were up to?" I said a little fustraded.

    "Yes but we done it so you would be safe Kelsey. I didn't want you to know, neither one of us did." He said. "All I got was a fucking letter Henry, and that wasn't even meant for me. You know how many times I read that hoping you were safe? You didn't leave me shit, left me here to worry. Not a phone call or a note. Do you know how many nights I layed here and fucking cried before Vic brought that letter over here?" I yelled in a low tone. "I'm sorry baby. It'll never happen again." He said looking down.

     "Go sleep on the couch, or pace in the living room." I said pointing towards the door. He didn't argue. He grabbed his pillow and a blanket off the end of my bed and walked out. "I can't believe this." I said yanking my cover over me. I layed there and tossed and turned. I felt bad for making him go to the living room. Maybe I over reacted just a bit. "Henry." I said loud enough for him to hear me.

    A few minutes past and my door cracked open and Henry came in. "Yes baby?" He said looking in my direction. "Come back in here with me, please." I said guilty. He turned and went and got his stuff and came back in the room. He put his pillow on his side and layed down cuddling up with me. "I should of told you babygirl. I'm sorry, I really I'm." He whispered. "It's okay babe. I may of over reacted a little. I'm sorry." I yawned. "Don't be. I would've to." He said hugging up to me.

   He kissed the top of my forehead and I shifted my right leg so that it was in between his legs. "Baby?" He said raising up. "Mmmm" I said half asleep. "Did you just move your leg, on your own?" He said uncovering us. My eyes shot open and I looked up at him. "Yeah, I guess so, but I thought it take longer than this." I said. "Can you do it again?" He said looking at leg. "I can try." I said also looking at my leg. I scooted it in the opposite direction. We both looked at one another, and smiled widely. "It's a start." I said. "That it is princess." He said hugging me.

   "Let's get some rest, we'll tell him tomorrow." He said referring to my brother. "Agreed. I'm sleepy." I said. He kissed my lips and we both cuddled up to one another. Within a few minutes we were both out.

(Next Day)

    I woke up to Henry not there, doesn't surprise me any. I tried moving my leg again. I shifted it so I could sit on the side of my bed. I pulled my wheelchair close and locked the wheels. I some how managed to get in it without falling in the floor.

    I rolled over to the door and opened it. I rolled to the living room where both Henry and my brother was. "How did you get out of bed?" My brother questioned. I lifted my right leg as far as I could and looked at him. "I can move it." I said smiling. "What about the other one?" Henry said. I tried but nothing happened.

   "I'll call the hospital and set up an appointment later." My brother said smiling. "Well at least I have one that halfway works." I said lightly laughing. "Yeah." Both Henry and my brother said in sync.


    Guys I am so sorry this took so long. I've had it wrote and I wouldn't to sure about it.

     This took so long because a real good friend of mine is going through a hard time. Life through them that unexpected curve ball, and I have to be there for them. If updates are a little slow, I'm really sorry.

Sorry for any missed errors, I literally just scanned through this.

I love you guys!💕

Next Update:Unsure

Word Count:932


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