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(Kelsey's makeup)

(Kelsey's makeup)

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(Kelsey's hair)

(Kelsey's outfit)

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(Kelsey's outfit)

(Kelsey's outfit)

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"Monday." I scuffed dragging my feet as I walked into school. Out of all the places I wanted to be, I had to come here. I just hope Friday's drama stays out of the way. I'm not in the mood to deal with it. Plus Henry's not here today either. This is another shitty day in the making.

"Kel's?" I heard someone say from behind me as I got my English book from my locker. I turned to see Dani with a smile plastered on her face. "Hey Dani. Need help finding you're classes?" I said smiling. "Yeah. I'm kind of lost, and your the only one I really know." She said with a little laugh. She handed me her schedule and I scanned through it. "You have 1st, 3rd, and lunch with me." I said excitedly. We both looked at each other and smiled, then the bell sounded for us to head to class. "This way." I said singling her to follow me.

(Skip to the end of school because who likes school anyway. ✌)

The last bell rang and I couldn't be more happy. 5th block went by so slow with Henry not being there. Beverly wasn't at lunch either, neither her or Henry said why they wasn't there. Luckily Dani was there. I've only known here for a couple days, but she's actually pretty cool to be around. I was walking down the hallway, and I noticed her looking over at Victor. "You should go talk to him. You've been looking at him all day." I say causing her to snap back to reality. "I do not." She said blushing. "Hmm, if you say so." I say laughing. "Okay, maybe a little." She said looking down at her feet. "You should go talk to him. I think he likes you too." I say smiling as she looked up blushing. "Maybe tomorrow." She says as we walk out the main entrance.

"Sluts found herself another friend." Greta said as I turned to face her. "I wouldn't hang around her honey. She's nothing but bad news." She said laughing. "Don't listen to her Dani, let's just go." I spit at Greta as I turned to Dani and started to walk away. "What's a matter whore? Boyfriend not here to rescue you this time?" She said snickering looking at her girls. "I don't need my boyfriend to "rescue me" Greta. So shut up and mind your business." I scuffed. "Beverly's not here either. He's probably fucking her again." She said popping her gum. I've had enough of this. It's always something here. I walked up to Greta and shoved her back. "Shut the fuck up bitch!" I screamed at her. "Only saying the truth. Oh wait he probably didn't want you to know. At least you know the rumors are true about your little friend." She scuffed back. I threw a punch and hit her right in the nose.

**(Minor Violence Ahead)**

"FIGHT, FIGHT!!" I heard someone scream. I turned to where it came from and soon as I turned back I felt a fist make contact with my eye. I looked at Greta, her nose bleeding as she gave me a smiling glare. I pushed her back again, causing her to fall back. I climbed on top her, hitting her as hard as I could. "Bitch." She said as she rolled us over punching me in the mouth and pulling my hair. I kneed her in the stomach, giving me the chance to get back on top. Before I could throw another hit 2 hand's pulled me off of her. "What the hell!!" I say turning to see Vic. "As much as she deserves it, you can't Kelsey." He said calmly. "Why Vic?" I scuffed. "Because she's telling the truth." He muttered quietly.

I looked over at Greta, a smile plastered on her face. "I told you so sweetie.' She said spitting blood out of her mouth. I looked at her then at Vic. "Is that why he wasn't here today?" I said trying to hold back tears. "I don't know. I just know he has done things with Beverly in the past." He said rubbing my back. I pulled my lighter and a pack of cigarettes out of my bag, lighting one up. "Kel's, we're on school grounds." Vic said. "My boyfriend could possibly be cheating on me with my best friend right now and that's all you're worried about?" I said giving him a questioning glare. "He's just trying to keep you out of trouble." Dani said giving Vic a small smile. "Fine." I said getting up grabbing my things and walking off school property as they followed me.

We were all walking until we came across Dani's house. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." She said giving a small smile and walking in her house. I looked at Victor. "Your coming with me to Henry's house, cause I know Beverly wouldn't have a boy over at her house with the way her dad is." I say looking at Vic. "Please." I added. He nodded his head in agreement. "I just don't think this is a good idea." He said kicking a rock down the sidewalk as we walked. "Probably not, but as you can tell I like learning the hard way." I say referring to my face. "I know." He said with a little laugh.

A/n: I really like this chapter. I had an amazing time writing it. I hope you guys like it as well. Sorry for any missed errors guys.

Thank you for all of the ones supporting me and this story. It really makes my day to see the positive comments you leave. Especially with the way everything is going right now in my life. Love you guys so much!! 💕

So do you think Henry might actually be cheating on Kelsey with Beverly when they haven't even been together a week? What do you guys think? Never be afraid to message me, I'm always looking for new people to talk to guys.

Ill hopefully have the next chapter up by Wednesday, if all goes well.

Word Count:1031

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