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    (Roughly 3 weeks later)

Kelsey's POV: 

   I woke up excited, not only is it mine and Henry's one month anniversary but also my 17th birthday. Best of all it is Saturday, so no school. Henry stayed over with Vic last night cause they needed to talk about something's. They've been doing this for the past couple weeks now. I've also noticed Beverly has been acting different and really distancing herself from me lately. Luckily Dani's been good company, even though she still hasn't tried talking to Vic.

    I got up out of bed and took a  shower and brushed my teeth. Now it was time to pick out a outfit. "Mmmm, what to wear." I said to myself standing in front of my closet. Then something caught my eye. "That's the one!" I said smiling. I grabbed the outfit then done my hair and makeup.

(Kelsey's outfit)

(Kelsey's outfit)

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(Kelsey's hair)

(Kelsey's makeup)

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(Kelsey's makeup)

  I looked in the mirror and twirled around, then I heard a knock at the door

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  I looked in the mirror and twirled around, then I heard a knock at the door. I walked to the front door and looked out the peep hole to see Dani. I quickly open the door and smiled like a little kid. "You look amazing Kel's!" She said excitedly. "Thank you! You think Henry will like it?" I said straightening out my shirt. "If he doesn't, something is wrong with him." She said smiling.

    "So I'm thinking about something." I said looking at Dani. "Which is?" She looked at me puzzled. "Well since me and him have been together a month as of today, and it's my birthday I thought about telling him I'm ready." I said lightly smiling. "Okay, I know I should of said this earlier but happy birthday girl!! What do you mean by ready though?" She said giving me another puzzling look. "I'm ready to ummm.... have sex with him." I said feeling my cheeks go hot. "Ohhh, I thought you to were already doing that." She said. I gave her a playful glare. "What he stays here now." She laughed. "Nope, he's been patient about it." I say with a smile.

    Me and Dani talked for a few more minutes then she left to go do something for her dad. She's coming back by later today though. Henry on the other hand still hasn't been by. It's almost 1, he's never stayed over at Vic's this late without calling or something. I picked up the phone about to dial Vic's number when I heard the door open then close. "Baby?" I heard Henry call. "Coming babe." I said running as I jumped in his arms. Out of surprise he still caught me smiling from ear to ear. "I love you so much Kelsey. You look amazing today." He said still smiling. "Thank you babe! Do you know what today is?" I said looking at him. "Saturday?" He said questioning as he scratched the back of his head. I gave him a glare and tapped my foot. "Happy birthday baby girl and happy 1 month." He said giving me a kiss. I smiled as we both pulled away.

    "What do you want to do today?" He said lighting up a cigarette. "I don't know but I have something in mind for later." I said smirking. "What is that princess?" He said putting his hand on my thigh. "You'll just have to wait and see... daddy." I said whispering in his ear. He looked at me wide eyed and smirked. "Alright." He said still having a smirk while putting out his cigarette. With that we both sit back on the couch and I cuddle next to Henry and dosed off.

Henry's POV:

   She's asleep in my arms again with a smile on her face. She is so damn beautiful. She tries to be perfect for me, but she doesn't even have to. I love her and I don't love anyone. It's just not my style, it shows the soft side of me. Something only she sees and now that I got a big relief off my shoulders, she can see more of that side.


I was sitting outside pacing back and forth while Vic tapped his foot impatiently. The door opened and Beverly appeared. I had went and had Vic buy some pregnancy test from the pharmacy. I knew if I done it Greta would of ran around saying Kelsey is pregnant and that's the last thing I need. "What did they say?" I said looking at her nervously. "I'm waiting on the results Henry, be patient." Beverly said rolling her eyes. "Well when losing my girlfriend and a friend is on the line, I think I will be just a bit impatient Beverly." I scuffed. "Should of kept your dick in your pants jackass." She sassed. "Remember it takes 2, I wouldn't the one who pulled my dick out to start with." I scuffed getting pissed. Beverly was about to say something until Vic spoke up. "You 2 shut your damn mouth. Fuck man." With that Beverly walked in the house and walked back out looking at both me and Vic. "There negative." She said throwing the test down at me. I looked closely, she's right. I showed Vic and he even had relief on his face. I threw the test in a nearby garage can and began walking to Kelsey's. "Today's her birthday and we've also been together a month today." I said looking at Vic. "I'll be over later to tell her. I haven't really seen her but at school because of the whole Beverly thing." He said with a little smile. "Alright man I'll catch you later." I said as we turned in different ways. He waved bye as I did. "Finally, now I don't have to lose her." I said before I opened the door smiling.

(End of Flashback)

Kelsey's POV:
   I woke up to Henry softly snoring. He's so cute and relaxed. I didn't want to wake him but when I turned my head to look at the clock, he woke up. "Baby, what time is it?" He said sitting up. "A little before 4 babe." I said leaning up also. "Vic said he was coming over." He said as we heard a faint knock on the door. "Must be him." He said getting up and opening the door.  The look on his face however said otherwise....

A/n: This chapter came out better than what I thought. Considering I wanted to do this last night and tried to be creative.

So big decision... I'm debating if I should write smut or not in the next chapter. Opinions? Also I'm sorry for the cliffhanger, but who do you think could be at the door?

Sorry for any missed errors, love you guys!! 💕

Next Update:Most likely Saturday or Sunday.

Word Count:1133

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