Better Not

605 17 1

(Unedited for now)

(Kelsey's POV)

   It's been a few days since Vic was over. I read the letter Henry wrote him like clockwork. It just doesn't make sense to me.

   "Sis I wish you would quit reading that, it's only going to make you miss him more." My brother said sitting my lunch down. "I know. I'm just trying to understand, you know." I said laying the paper down. "I understand kiddo. Everything is going to be just fine. I'm sure he'll be back soon." He said. I was about to say something when the phone rang.

   My brother rushed over and answered it. Being curious I rolled over like I was going to my room and stopped and listened. "Okay man, just hurry back. She's worried about you." Is all I caught. "Could that be Henry? Why would he call him, and not me though?" I said to myself. It couldn't be, I'm just over thinking.

   We were sitting in the living room when the door bell rang. "I'll get it." My brother said jumping up. He opened the door and looked at me. "Your friends are here." My brother said looking at me. I rolled over to see Stan, Eddie, Richie, Bill, Mike, and Ben. "Hey guys." I said. They all came in and gave me a hug.

   "Where's Beverly?" I said as Stan pushed me down the sidewalk. "We haven't really heard from her since her dad found out about, you know." Eddie said taking a breath of his inhaler. "Holy shit, he found out?" I said looking at Bill. "Yeah, tha...nks to Gre...ta." Bill stuttered. "That bitch." I said under my breath.

    "So, you heard anything about Henry?" Richie blurted out as sat down by the water at the quarry. "Seriously Richie?" Stanley said slapping him in the back of the head. I giggled a bit and then it got quite. "It's fine, but no. I haven't." I said looking at the boys. "I'm sure he'll be back." Mike said patting back. "Yeah, it is Henry after all." Ben said looking through his bag. "I just think it's funny how he randomly leaves after you get stabbed." Eddie said slapping a bug away. "Guys, maybe she doesn't want to talk about this." Stan spoke. "Yeah, I mean the whole point of coming out here today was to get her mind off of stuff." Mike said.

    They all nodded there heads and we continued to just catch up. Making me laugh of course. "Guys we mi..ght need to it's get...ting la..te." Bill said standing up. "Yeah, my mom will kill me of I'm not back before dark." Eddie said. The rest of the boys nodded there head. "Who's rolling Kelsey home?" Ben said. "I will. I'm heading that way anyway." A voice said causing us all to jump. I turned to see Vic, all the boys panicking a little. "He's cool guys." I said causing them to chill down a bit.

    "We really need to do this more guys." I said before Vic pushed me away. "Definitely!!" They all yelled. I just giggled at them. "You have a good time?" Vic asked. "Yeah." I said. "Good, you needed to." He said turning down my street. "I guess so." I said smiling.

   Vic rolled me up to the door, but stopped before we went in. He came around in front of me and leaned down. "What's wrong Vic?" I said looking at him. "Just be ready." He said opening the door. I looked at him confused as he pushed me in the house. He pushed me in the living room and the walked in the kitchen. "Hello, what the hell?' I screamed. "Hold on and watch the language." My brother said walking in the living room. "What's going on? Why are you 2 acting weird?" I said as he pushed me towards the kitchen. "You'll see." My brother said.

    He rolled me in the kitchen and I saw a boy sitting at the table. He turned and faced me. "Henry?" I said as my brother stopped pushing me. " Hey baby." He said getting up. "What did you do to your hair?" I said rolling over to him. "I just thought I needed a new look. You like it?" He said smiling. "I love it." I said as tears started to form in my eyes. He bent down and gave me a hug. "You're going to be safe now, I promise." He whispered in my ear. "I love you." Is all I could get out before crying. "I love you to baby girl, I'll never leave you again." He said giving me a kiss. "Better not." I said.

A/n: Short chapter. Henry's back though. What he done could either make things worse, or better. We'll just have to see. Love you guys!💕

Updates: Random for now.

Word Count:821

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