Drama pt.3

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  I looked at Henry, he had rage all over his face. He didn't even notice I was standing there until a way to familiar voice spoke up. "Well look who it is. My old play toy." Patrick said laughing. "I was never your damn play toy. So shut your trap." I scuffed. "I told you to stay put Kelsey, so why the hell did you come over here." Henry said fustraded. "I told you I do what I want, don't think just because we're dating now changes anything." I said glaring at him.

      As Patrick and Henry was arguing, I started to take a close look at the scene. There was a puddle of blood, along with a trail. I followed it till it stopped. "Help me, please.." I heard faintly. I looked over to see a girl about my age, holding her side. "What's your name?" I said quietly. "Danielle, but everyone back home called me Dani. I just moved here yesterday." She said with a painful smile. I looked at her and lightly smiled. "I'm Kelsey, but everyone calls me Kel's. I'm sorry you had to encounter Patrick, the town's psycho first hand. What did he do to you?" She raised her shirt up to reveal a P carved into her side. "That's all. He said if I said anything, he'd be back for me." She said in pain. "No he won't. Not with me around." I said giving her a welcoming smile.

   I took Dani back to my house to help her get cleaned up. I left Henry and Victor at the barrens, since Henry didn't want me there anyway. "All done." I said looking at her with a slight smile. "Thank you Kelsey." She smiled. "No problem, Patrick's a asshole. No one deserves this." I said referring to her wound. "How do you know him?" She said. "I dated him awhile ago, and it didn't end so well." I said quietly. "I'm sorry." She whispered. "Want to watch a movie?" I said. She shook her head yes and we went to the living room.

    We were watching the movie when I heard the door open. "Baby, you here?" Henry yelled as he looked over and saw you, with Vic behind him. "I was worried you got hurt. Why did you run off, and who's this?" He said looking at Dani. "I ran off because you obviously didn't want me there, and this is Danielle. Dani for short, this is Henry and Victor." I said looking at Henry and then at Dani to notice she was already looking at Vic. They were both smiling at one another, until Danielle's face went red. "Kel's, I'm going to head home. I'll see you around." She said getting up from the couch. "Wait, you can't walk by yourself." I said. "I'll walk her home, if she don't care." Vic spoke up. She smiled and nodded her head and they walked out the door. "As I was saying, baby you can't run off like that. I didn't want you to see that or be around Patrick." He said, mumbling the last part. "I'm fine babe, I've seen worse. It's just been awhile." I said giving him a small smile. He walked up and gave me a hug. "I love you Kelsey." "I love you too Henry." I said smiling as he gave me a kiss.

A/n: Hey guys, I know it's been awhile. I know this isn't a long chapter, but I want to post a little something for you guys. I'm sorry if it sucks. I've been going through some problems and kept putting myself down a lot. I'll try to update Sunday with something way better. Until then, I love you guys! Thank you for working with me. 💕

Word Count: 635


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