Quickly as Possible

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    It's been a few days since we actually figured out the truth. I still don't understand why she's lying, and still saying it's Henry's. Probably because she doesn't know about what actually happened to Patrick. That he's never coming back, at least alive anyway.

   On a good note, me and Henry are not arguing as much. Instead of being an ass, he actually comes in and at least gives me a peck on the cheek. I also got ungrounded, finally.

   I'm home alone, what's new. Im bored as hell and everyone I know is at school. "Great." I mumble to myself. Might as well lay here and rest my eyes for a minute.

   I woke up not even looking to see what time it was. I decided to go to the front porch, and light a cigarette. It was decent outside. Not to cold and not to hot, you could definitely tell spring was getting close. I noticed something or someone walking down the road. I payed attention to whatever or whoever it could've been.

   The figure was tall in height, and skinny from what I could tell. Covered in what looked to be blood. "Are you okay?" I rather yelled. Just then I knew I regretted what I done. The figure looked up at me, and smiled that sinister smile I know to well. "Patrick." I gasped to myself.

   Just then he started running towards me. I moved as fast as I could to get in the house. I locked the door and caught my breath. I turned around to be shocked. He was in the house looking straight at me. "How? I don't understand. All the doors are locked, and windows.." I stopped talking and looked. He was now standing right in front of me. "Now baby, don't be scared. I can't hurt you physically anymore, only mentally now. Lucky for you I'm good at that to." He said an evil chuckle following.

   I thought for a minute and realized it finally. "You're not real, you're only in my head. GET OUT!" I said, screaming the last part.

   Just then I heard Henry saying my name, and I opened my eyes. "It was just a bad dream." I mumbled. "I heard you screaming from outside, had me worried Kels." He said sternly. I looked at him and looked down at my hands. "It was about him babe." I said with glossy eyes.

  He looked at me confused and I told him everything. His eyes not moving off of me. "I must've fell asleep when I rested my eyes for a minute." I said causing him let out a little laugh. "I just don't understand. Could that be a sign of something. Mess with me mentally instead of physically?" I said confused.

   "Baby, I assure it was just a nightmare. Nothing to come of it. The only way a ghost can hurt you is if you let it. He's going to pick on you because of your state. You're an easy target. We are not going to let that happen though." He said kissing me. "I know baby, I just got a little shaken up is all." I slightly smiled.

(The Next Day)

It was Saturday and Henry didn't have to work today, so he sit around the house with me. "Baby, lets go to the park or something. I need to get out of the house." I said with pleading eyes. He thought about it and nodded. "Go get ready babe." He smiled.

(Kelsey's Outfit)

   I got dressed and threw my hair in a messy bun, and applied a little mascara

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I got dressed and threw my hair in a messy bun, and applied a little mascara. I am so ready to get out of this damn house.

I wobbled in the living room, and Henry automatically gives all his direct attention to me. "What?" I laughed. He got up and walked over to me. He leaned down to kiss me, not like a sexual kiss. It was passionate and spontaneous. Our lips parted and he looked at me. His blue eyes looking into my green ones like it was the first time he's ever done this.

"You're absolutely an amazing and beautiful person Kels. The exact opposite of me, and I honestly don't know how in the world you ended up with me. I used to be such an ass, and you're slowly but surely changing that. I'm so blessed to have you. Lord knows what would've happened if I didn't." He smiled.

I looked at him and shook my head, and he kinda just looked at me. "Henry, I'm not amazing. I'm far from beautiful. I mean look at me." I said referring to the crutch holding me up. "We all have flaws that make us who we are. You will always be beautiful to me, no matter how you look." He said stroking a piece of lose hair behind my ear.

I smiled at him as I felt my cheeks heat up. "I love you Bowers." I said softly. "Not as much as I love you Hoover."

(Few Hours Later)

We both walked around town just talking and laughing at odd things. I eventually got tired, so we headed towards the house. It was good to not only get out of house, but to actually laugh. I smiled a real smile for the first time in a long time today, and it felt great.

We got to the house and walked in. The phone rang as soon as we sat down. I started to get up but Henry insisted he get it, and I wasn't stopping him. Since the phone was in the kitchen, I only got bits and pieces of the conversation. "Okay man, we'll be there quickly as possible." I heard him say as he hung up the phone.

He walked back in the living room and looked at me. "What's going on, where are we going." I questioned. "Your brother wants us both at the station. He didn't say why." He said worriedly. "Well did you tell him we just walked around town and just maybe I was a little tired?" I stated. "I didn't say it that way, but yes I told him. He still wants us there, and fast." He said. "If it's so important why couldn't he just come pick us up?" I said annoyed. "Kelsey, baby I really don't know. Let's get going." He said losing his patience.

"Fine." I mumbled. "This better be important since he couldn't say it over the phone." I said as we walked out of the house.

*Authors Note*

A bitter but sweet chapter guys. However, you know Kelsey and Henry can't have a decent day without something going on.

Another cliffhanger guys and I'm sorry, but I do love y'all! 💕

Sorry for any missed errors, I scanned through it but I'm only human.

Next update: Not to sure but soon!

Word Count:1150

Finally over a thousand again!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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