He's The One..

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  (Kelsey's POV)

  After being home and sleeping on my own bed, I've never realized how comfortable my bed actually is. Only thing missing is Henry because my brother made him sleep on the couch.

   "JAYDEN!!" I scream from my room. "Yes, what's wrong?" He said running in my room. I sat there and giggled at the look on his face. "Not funny Kelsey, now what do you need?" He said furrowing his eyebrows. "Well I need to use the bathroom, and a shower sounds amazing." I said dragging out the word amazing. "Ugh, shit." He said scratching the back of his head.

   Then Henry came in my room and stood by my brother. His hair a mess considering he just got up. "What's going on?" He said, his voice raspy. "She wants a shower and I don't know what to do." My brother said tapping his foot. "I can give her one. Isn't like.." Henry stopped before he finished. My brother now giving us both a glare. "She can wear a bathing suit, isn't like I haven't seen her in one." He says with a innocent smile. A small chuckle leaves my lips. "Nice save." I mouthed to Henry as I smirked. He rolled his eyes, his face now red.

  My brother stood there looking at us. "Fine." He finally said. "Nothing more than a shower, I mean it you 2." He said. "Okay." Both me and Henry said in sync. "I'm going to work, I'll be home by 8 tonight. You need anything call the office." We shook our heads. "We're all having a conversation when I get home to. To address the what can and can not be done. Especially since you're going to be staying awhile with us Henry." I smiled as well as Henry. "Don't make me regret this." My brother said walking out the door. "We won't." I screamed, causing Henry to cover his ears.

   "To loud for you babe?" I said smirking. "Absolutely not." He said smiling. "Okay, I'm I really wearing a bathing suit?" I said giving him a pleading look. He stood there, thinking about it. "Hmm, should you?" He said teasing. "I'm just trying to take a shower, I feel like I stink." I said looking at him. "Cause you do stinky, gosh I can smell you from over here." He said laughing. I glared at him and he stopped laughing. "I'm just kidding baby." He said said giving me a sad face. "Well I'm not so can we get a move on?" I said sitting up.

   He came over and picked me up, and carried me to the bathroom. He sit me down on the toilet, and undressed me. I was using the bathroom as he ran the water. He turned and looked at me. "What? I needed to pee." I said looking at him. He shook his head and continued to run the water. He picked me up and sit me in the tub, gently. "I got it from here babe." I said wetting my hair. "You sure?" He said grabbing a wash cloth from the cabinet. "Yeah." I said grabbing the cloth from him. "I'll go lay you out something to wear. If you need me, you know what to do." He said turning the door handle. I shook my head as he walked out, leaving the door open a bit so he could hear me.

   "I'M DONE." I screamed. No answer. "BABE." I screamed as loud as I could. Still nothing. "What the hell?" I said to myself. "HENRY!!" I yelled aggravated.   I heard the front door open, then close. "Baby?" I heard him say. He walked in the bathroom with concern. "I'm done. Where were you?" I said glaring at him. "I was smoking." He said blankly. He grabbed a towel and drained the tub. He lifted me up so I was now sitting on the edge, my back facing him.  I knew what he was doing. His hand lightly brushed over the stitches. "Babe?" I said quietly. "Mmmm?" He said. "Can I get some clothes on?" I said. "Yeah." He said wrapping the towel around me.

  "I hope you like what I layed out." He said sitting me down on my bed. It was a pair of grey sweats and his red cut off shirt. "I love it." I said smiling. "The shirts yours now." He said grabbing a sports bra from my dresser. I put it on along with the shirt. He put my sweats and stuff on. "Done. You feel better?" He said smiling. "Yes, 100% actually." I said. He continued to smile. "I'm going to take a shower now. You know what to do if you need anything." He said grabbing some clothes. "Yeah, stinky." I said laughing. He rolled his eyes and walked out the door. I sat there still laughing.

(A Few Hours Later)

   Henry had me sitting in the living room watching some kind of movie. Where he is, god only knows. Then I heard a noise coming from the bathroom. "Is he moaning?" I said to myself. I unlocked the wheels to my wheelchair and quietly rolled myself down the hallway. I was at the door and sure enough, he was moaning. "Fuck Kelsey, right there babygirl." He moaned. I couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Babe, you good in there?" I said still laughing. "Fuck." He groaned. "Maybe you'll sit me on the couch instead of just locking the wheels next time." I said rolling back to the living room, still laughing of course.

    He walked out into the living room, face beat red. "Embarrassed?" I chuckled. "No." He said walking into the kitchen. "Did you get the job done babe?" I said trying to stay serious. He came back into the living room, his face still a little red. "For your information, yes I did. Been better if you could've done it though." He said mumbling the last part. I smirked and looked at him. "Next time daddy." I said winking at him. He just smirked and sit down on the couch beside me.

    My brother walked in and looked at me and Henry. "Kitchen table kiddo's, we have some talking to do." He said. Henry pushed me to the kitchen and then sat down. "Okay. We're going to keep this short and simple. No, and I mean absolutely no sex in this house. If you 2 already have, no more. If you are elsewhere, Henry you best be wrapping that shit up. We absolutely need no babies running around." My brother said sternly. "Yes sir." Henry said quietly. "Anything else I don't really mind. Just use it responsibility. Please." He said looking at us. "Cause I know you 2 both smoke, and drink." He said looking at me. I just looked at him. "Yeah, I know little sister of mine. I can't really say much, I done it at that age too." He said. I just looked at him still and then looked at Henry who was laughing quietly. I slapped his arm and he stopped.

   We all just got done eating and my brother put my plate in the sink. "Kelsey, we still need to talk about what happened." He said. "I know." I mumbled. "Sooner the better, but most importantly when you're ready." He said washing the plate off. I nodded my head and sat there until glass shattering caught my attention. I rolled to the living room quickly, but of course both Henry and my brother beat me there.

  Henry picked up the item that shattered the window, which was a brick with a note attached to it. He read it and his face showed no emotion. He threw the brick down  and walked over to me. He gave me a passionate kiss and then ran out the door. My brother picked the brick up and read it. "I'm going to go get him. Lock the door Kelsey, and do not open it for anyone." He said sternly. "Okay." I said, but he was already gone. I locked the door then rolled over to where the brick was. I struggled picking it up but I got it. I read it and sat there. I threw the brick and rolled to my room, locking the door.

  I sat there in the dark playing the words over and over in my mind. "Be ready, that was only the beginning. Everyone is in for a surprise." I could hear that evil chuckle of his in my mind. I rolled over to my dresser and pulled out a pack of smokes I had hidden, and lit one up. "What else could he possibly do, kill me? He's already ruined my life." I said taking a draw off my cigarette.

  I heard the door open and close. "Kelsey where are you sis?" My brother spoke. I opened my door and rolled in the living room. "Where's Henry?" I questioned. "I don't know. I couldn't find him. Thought he might of came back here." He said with worry in his voice. I shook my head no and looked at my brother. "Patrick." I mumbled. "What did you say sis?" He said walking closer to me. "Patrick Hockstetter. He's the one who done this." I mumbled again. "How do you know?" My brother said kneeling down beside me. "Because he's the one that stabbed me." I said close to tears.

A/n: Patrick is right, this is just the beginning. So much more to come. I love you guys! 💕 Sorry for any missed errors.

What could Hockstetter be up to? What made Henry run out the door that Kelsey didn't noticed? Where did he go? Stay tuned guys!

Since I haven't got school because of Christmas break hopefully I can update more these next 2 weeks.

Next Update: Saturday (maybe sooner)

Word Count:1646

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