Please Babe?

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(2 Months Later)

   "Kelsey, I definitely see improvement in this right leg. Not so much in the left, but time is key." Doc said. "How are the crutches working for you? If needed, we can go back to the wheelchair." He added. "No, no. They're working out fine. I'm actually enjoying being back on my feet, well somewhat." I giggled. "If that's the case, today's session is over. If you need anything or something happens, give the office a call." He smiled. I nodded my head and lightly smiled back as he held the door open for me. "Take care Kelsey." Doc said. "You too." I said as I made my way to the sliding doors.

    I scrambled in my pocket for my phone, yes a phone. My brother got me one, finally. Nothing fancy, a plain flip phone. "Hey, I'm done for today." I spoke through the phone. "Alright sis, I'll pick you up in five. Henry's at work still." My brother spoke. "Alright, see ya soon." I said. "See ya." He said. I shut the phone and shoved back in my pocket. "We wait." I said to myself.

   "So, how'd it go?" My brother said turning down the radio. "Same as last time." I huffed. He just nodded his head and turn the radio back up.

  We pulled into the driveway and walked inside the house. My brother looked at his phone, then looked at me. "I have the night shift tonight, so soon as I go pick Henry up and drop him off here, I'll have to head in." My brother said. "Well, what time is it now?" I questioned. "Almost five, so he should text me in a few." He said sitting on the couch. "You two know the rules." He said giving me a stern look. "Nothing related to parting and curfew is ten." I mumbled. He nodded as his phone rang. "Be there in a minute man." My brother said into the phone as he pecked a kiss on my forehead and walked out the door.

   I was watching TV when Henry walked in. "Hey baby, how was the session?" He said giving me a kiss. "Same as last time." I mumbled. He took his bag to my room, and lunch bag to the kitchen. He sit down beside me and smiled widely. "What?" I giggled. "You're beautiful." He smiled. "I know you want something babe, spill." I said laughing. "Can I not say that to my girlfriend?" He said pecking my lips.

    It was quite for about 10 minutes, then Henry got up and stood in front of me. "Okay, so there's this party tonight that Vic's having. I know we're not supposed to go to party's, but we'll be back before curfew. We both need some fun, and get out of the house. Please babe?" He said giving me puppy dog eyes. I thought about it, and it sounded like a good idea. "Fine, what time does it start?" I said looking up at him. "Around 7, I think is what Vic told me." He said excited.

    "Lets get ready then." I smiled. "Thank you babygirl, I love you so much!!" He said kissing me again.


Guys I am so sorry for taking so long, but I'm back!!

I'll start updating regularly again, because this story is about to take a turn. For better or worse? We'll see.  😉

Sorry for any missed errors, I love you guys! 💕 Thank you so much for sticking around and working with me.

Next Update: Friday

Word Count:595

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