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  (Unedited and possible trigger warning)

"So what happened yesterday?" I spoke up. "Nothing, I'll handle it baby." He said taking a drink of his beer. We were sitting outside because it was nice out. Not many days like this in Derry, usually it's gloomy and just depressing. Henry has drunk at least 5 beers if not more. I've only had 1. "Babe, you need to slow down." I said as he opened another one. He looked at me, giving me a glare. "I'll slow down when I feel the need to." He scuffed at me. I just looked at him as he continued to down to drink. "Great." I mumbled umder my breath.

     "Something is bothering him Dani, I just know it." I spoke into the phone. "Kel's, I'm sure he's fine." Her voice spoke smoothly. "He's drunk almost a whole 12 pack, I've only had 1. There's 2, make that 1 left now. He just grabbed another one. I've never been around him drunk." I whispered. "Well, I don't know Kel's. I got to go, just call if you need me." Dani said. "I will, bye girl." I spoke. "Bye Kel's" she said before hanging the phone up. I turned to see Henry, he's drunk and I'm kind of worried. "What?" He said looking at me. I just shook my head and put my head down and walked to the living room. He reached out and grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. "You look at me when you walk past me, understand?" He scuffed. "Okay baby." I spoke softly not wanting to do anything to piss him off. He let go of my arm and I continued to walk to the living room.

   "We're out of beer, you need to go get more." Henry spoke up. "No, you've had enough." I said not even looking at him. "What the fuck did you just say?" He said inching closer to me. "I said no Henry." I mumbled. "Get up of the damn couch Kelsey." He said through gritted teeth. "No." I scuffed. I suddenly felt his had grab my arm and yank me up. "Don't tell me no bitch." He said anger rising in him. "You're not my boss Henry. Especially when you're drunk." I screamed. I felt his hand hit my face, causing me to fall back. I held my face with tears forming in my eyes. "Fuck you Bowers." I spit at him standing up. I looked at him, I've never seen him this mad. He walked over to me, rage in his eyes. Tears streaming down my face by now, but he didn't care. "Get the fuck out." He screamed. "This is my house motherfucker so if anyone leaves it's going to be you." I yelled. He glared at me as he stuck his hand in his pocket. He pulled out his pocket knife flicking it open. "Lower your voice bitch." He said pointing the knife towards me. "Get out Henry, now before you do something stupid."  I scuffed. He shoved me to the floor, kicking me in my side. He got down and staddled me, holding my hand above my head. He held his knife by the handle in his mouth as he lifted my shirt. He grabbed his knife and I felt a sharp pain on my hip. "Henry stop. You're hurting me." I cried. He stopped and looked at me. He stood up and dropped the knife, covering his face.

     I sit up slowly. Pain shooting through my body. I looked down, to see blood on my shirt. I lifted it up to reveal a bloody H. My hand covered my mouth as tears fell down my cheeks. "Why did you do this Henry? Why?" I spoke through sobs. He looked up, tears streaming down his face. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to." He spoke softly. I got up, grabbing my side as I winced in pain. He looked down shaking his head. "I'm so stupid." He mumbled. I walked over to him and lifted his face up. "It's okay, no you're not. I shouldn't of yelled at you. None of this would of never happened." I said quietly. "I should of never got drunk. I acted just like.... my dad." He spoke lowering his head. I lifted his head up again and kissed his lips.

     He looked at me. "I've done something, and I don't think you'll ever forgive me. On top of this." He said quietly. "Whatever it is we can work through it baby. It's okay" I said wrapping my arms around him. He hugged me back. "It's about Beverly." I pulled back looking at him concerned. "I had her take a pregnancy test yesterday and it showed up negative, or at least I thought it did." He said mumbling the last part. "Is that who was here yesterday?" I said crossing my arms. "Yes, I'm so sorry Kelsey." He said putting his hands back over his face. "She's pregnant Kelsey and I don't know what to do. I'm going to lose you, I'm going to lose Victor. I'm not going to have anyone." He spoke through sobs. "You'll have me, always. I promise babe. We'll work through this but now we need to this cleaned up." I said referring to the cut. He looked at me and shook his head as he lead me to the bathroom.

A/n: I am so sorry guys. I did not mean to take so long. My apologies, I'll probably throw in a couple bonus chapters if I can.

Thank you so much for 1k reads, it means everything to me!

I love you guys so much and thank you for being patient with me.

Updates will probably be random, but definitely Wednesday for sure.

Word Count:967

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