So Beautiful

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(unedited, again...)

(Kelsey's POV)

   He sit there beside me asleep, dried tears staining his face. My brother Jayden was also asleep in the chair in the far corner. "He's actually here." I said, smiling to myself.

   It's like 1 in the morning and the nurse came in checking on me. "You okay sweetie?" She smiled lightly. "Yeah." I said smiling. She nodded her head and walked out of the room. Then I heard a faint yawn, causing me to turn my head. "You up sis, what time is it?" He said getting up and stretching. "1." I spoke faintly. "We need to talk about all of this. Meaning what happened and how long you 2 have been together." He said referring to Henry. "I know. What's wrong with his hand, do you know?" I spoke. "He got mad." My brother said looking the other way. "About what?" I spoke up catching his attention. "Look, we'll all talk about this when the time is right." He said said sitting down. "Doctor Byran will explain what's going on, and take a look at his hand too." He spoke calmly. "Is it bad, is that why you can't tell me?" I murmured. He shook his head yes. "Get some rest kiddo, you'll need it." He said laying back in the chair. "Okay." I said to myself.

   I woke up to an empty room. I layed there until the sound of the door opening took my gaze. It was Henry, Jayden, and doctor Bryan. "Good morning Kelsey, I'm going to talk to you about some stuff. Is that okay?" I nodded my head. He sit down on the end of my bed and his smile faded into a serious look. "Kelsey, do you remember what happened?" He spoke. "Yes." I said quietly looking at Henry who was staring at the ground. "Well, who ever done this. They hit your spinal cord." He took a pen from his pocket and light rubbed it on the bottom of each foot. "Can you feel that?" He said looking at me. "Not really. What does that mean?" I spoke, as tears started to form in my eyes. He put the pen back in his pocket and took a deep breath. "Your chances of walking again are very low. I'm sorry Kelsey." He spoke. I looked at everyone in the room, they couldn't look at me. I had tears streaming down my cheeks. I just wanted to get up and walk away from all this, but I can't. I can't even feel my legs. "We'll wait a couple months and check and see if there's any feeling. If there is we'll start physical therapy, but for now you'll be in a wheelchair. We're going to do everything we can to get you back on those feet." He spoke quietly. I shook my head in response. "On a good note you can go home this afternoon after we run some test. As long as they come back good, you'll be good to go." He said with a smile. "Thank you, for saving my life." I said with some sniffles and a small smile. "Well thank you but your boyfriend over there done the best." He said. Henry turned with tears still on his face. "What?" He said confused. "Son, if it wasn't for you she wouldn't be here. You saved her life. I just fixed her." He said smiling. Henry smiled lightly. "Also let me take a look at that hand." He said gesturing Henry to walk to over to him. He did as told and held his hand out. "Some cleaning up, a few stitches, and hopefully just some bruising. Follow me." Doctor Bryan instructed. With that they went elsewhere and it was just me and my brother.

   "This bad, huh?" I said breaking the silence. "Yeah." My brother looked at me but didn't say anything. "You know. You never did tell me happy birthday." I said looking at my hands. "Happy late birthday sis." He said quietly. I looked at him and smiled. "It'll be okay bubba. Everything is going to be fine." I said looking at him. "I know sis." He said wiping away a tear before I saw it, but I saw it anyway.

(Henry's POV)

    "You done good son." Doc said as he cut the thread. "Just take it easy about hitting any walls for now on." He said grabbing a ace bandage and wrapped a little around my hand. I looked at my hand and back at him. "No promises doc." I said with a little smile. It was quite for a minute. "Patients will be your biggest friend." He spoke up. "I know." I said quietly in response. "Let's get her ready to go home." He smiled. I nodded my head and we walked out the door.

   I walked in the room to hear her laughing, as well as her brother. She looked at me and smiled widely. "So beautiful." I mouthed to her. Her face went red, and she looked down at her lap. I walked over to her and sit down on the bed. "I'll give you two kids a minute, but no funny business." Her brother said joking. He walked out the door and I looked at her. Her smile faded. "Patrick said that you wouldn't want to be with someone who is crippled, that's why he done this." She said quietly. "Well he doesn't know me. I'll love and care for you as long as this heart of mine beats." I said grabbing her hand. "Promise?" She said. "I promise with everything I have to offer babygirl." She smiled. "I love you." She spoke. "I love you too, and I'll never stop." I said smiling at her.

  (Kelsey's POV)

We were waiting on the test results. I am so ready to go home. Only been here a day, but this bed is killing me. Minutes pasted and doctor Bryan came in with a smile on his face. "Your good to go. Let me get your release papers and a wheelchair and we'll get you out of here." He said still smiling. "Thank goodness." I said smiling.

As my brother was signing my papers a nurse helped me get dressed. I put on some sweats and a hoodie. "All ready sweetie." She said as she rolled me out. My brother had the car pulled up to the door. Henry got out and helped me in and stuck the wheel chair in the back. "Home?" My brother spoke up. "You bet." I spoke with a smile. On the way Henry intertwined his hand with mine. I looked at him and smiled as he done the same. I looked at my brother and he smiled lightly. Despite the problem, we're all happy. For now that is.

A/n: A long chapter, cause I love you guys. Hope you like it.
It's been a long day for me, hopefully it'll get better..

Next Update: Wednesday

What do you think could happen, even after this?

Word Count:1174

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