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(Some violence)

"Why is this day going by so slow?" I murmured to myself. I still had 30 minutes in this class. Maybe it's because it's 1st block, or the fact I have a feeling Henry was up to no good. Possibly both.

    I raised my hand, being impatient as always. "Yes Kelsey?" Ms. Robert's finally noticed me. "Can I go to the restroom?" I said giving her a pleading look. She nodded her head and I was on my way.

   I know Henry said not to go anywhere but I'm curious. He should know I wouldn't listen anyway. I took all precaution walking down the hallway until I ran someone. "Beverly?" I said causing her to turn around. "Kelsey!" She said wrapping me in a hug. "It's been so long since I seen you. How have you been." She said faking a smile. "Uh, I've been alright I guess. How about you." I said watching her fake smile fade into a frown. "I haven't told my dad. He'll kill me Kelsey." She said putting her hand over her stomach. I looked at her, tears forming in my eyes. "I'm going to keep it." She said catching my attention. "That's good." I said softly.

    Beverly's smile quickly turned into shock. "Beverly, what's wrong?" I said worriedly. "You need to go, run Kelsey!!" She whisper yelled. "Why?" I said confused. "Patrick. He said he's coming for you the first time he sees you without Henry. He's coming, so go before he gets you like he did me." She panicked.

   I heard Patrick's laugh and I ran for the girls bathroom, which was just right across the hall. "Like he did her. What could she be talking about?" I said to myself. Then I heard Patrick outside the bathroom door talking to Beverly. "Who was you talking too?" He said fustraded. "No one." Beverly lightly spoke. "Oh, so you where just telling thin air to run then?" Patrick said raising his voice. Beverly didn't answer him. "If it's that bitch, I hope you told her I've got a surprise for her." Patrick said with a dark laugh. "I already did." Beverly spoke in a whisper. "Good, because I'm coming for you." Patrick said as his steps got closer to the door.

   "Seriously?" I whispered to myself. Out of all the places I could've ran, I had to run in here. "Patrick, don't." Beverly said. "Too late." He chuckled swinging open the bathroom door. I stood there to face my past. The reason I'm the way I am today. "Well, hello sweetheart. Long time no talk huh?" He said smiling at me. "Yeah the way I like it." I spit at him. He shook his head laughing. Then he stopped and looked at me, darkness filling his eyes. "Wrong answer bitch." 

    He walked up to me and spun me around and had his knife against my neck. "I told you if you ever said a word to anyone, I'd kill you." He whispered in my ear. "Patrick." I said trying to find air. "I can't kill you though, but I can make you suffer." He spoke softly.

   Before I could say anything I felt the knife go in my lower back. I felt my legs trimble as I fell to the ground. "I can't feel my legs." I cried out. "That's the whole point sweetheart." He said wiping the blood off his knife on his pants. "Henry wouldn't want to be with someone who's crippled. If I can't have you, nobody will." He said raising his voice. Everything was going blurry, words became fuzzy. I looked at the tile floor and noticed the blood I had lost. "Kelsey!!" I heard someone cry out. "He..n..ry..." I mumbled before everything went black.

(Henry's POV)

   I walked out back to calm down and smoke a cigarette. Patrick pisses me off so damn much. What does he have against Kelsey. What happened between them was passed. Everyone let it go, but apparently not him.

   I was almost done with my 5th smoke when a familiar voice caught my attention. "There you are, you need to come quick." Beverly panicked. "Why, what's going on?" I said concerned. "It's Patrick. He's got a knife to Kelsey's throat in the girls bathroom. Come on." She said crying. I ran the fastest I have ever ran. "I told her to stay put." I said to myself.

    "If I can't have you, nobody will." I heard Patrick scream. I opened the bathroom door to reveal Kelsey laying there. Blood puddled beside her. "Kelsey!!" I cried. "He..n..ry.." her voice spoke. She had tears running down her cheek. "What the fuck man?" I screamed. "Maybe next time she'll keep her mouth shut." Patrick spoke with no remorse. "You'll pay for this, I promise you that." I yelled. "Oh, I'm so scared." Patrick said putting his hands up in defense. I glared at him. "By the way Henry, how did my leftovers feel?" He said smirking. "Fuck off!!" I screamed. He shook his head and left.

   I kneeled down by Kelsey checking to see if she had a pulse. It was faint. I picked her up and ran to the the nearest classroom kicking the door a couple of times. "Don't interrupt my cla... Oh my what happened?" The teacher panicked. "She's been stabbed and she's lost a lot of blood." I cried.

   The ambulance pulled up, and they strapped her to the gurnee. "This is officer Hoover's sister. Page him and tell him to get to the hospital stat." One of the paramedics said. "Son, do you know who done this?" The other one spoke up. I nodded my head as tears streamed down my face. "Is she your girlfriend?" He asked. I nodded my head again. "I'm not supposed to allow this but get in." He said putting his hand on my shoulder.

   So many thoughts were running through my head. "What I'm I going to tell my her brother, because I know she hasn't told him about me. What am I going to say?" I thought to myself. The girl I love is barely alive and it's my fault. I wasn't there to save her and if I lose her I'll lose myself.

   My thoughts came to a stop when her monitor went off. "Where losing her!!" One of the guys said as he began CPR. "We're here." The driver yelled. We all hurried out of the ambulance. They rushed her in as I stood there with her blood on my shirt. I dropped to my knees. "I'll fucking kill that motherfucker." I said fustraded as tears still streamed down my face.

   I felt a shadow tower over my body as I looked up to see Kelsey's bother. "Henry? Why are you here?" He questioned, tears in his eyes. "I'm dating your sister and I'm sorry you found out this way..." I spoke quietly. He kneeled down and put his hand on my shoulder. "Thank you." He spoke. I looked at him puzzled. "Come on. We'll talk about this later." He said standing up. I stood up as well. We both walked in the cold hospital. Silence was our biggest friend as we both sat in the waiting room for answers. "She's a fighter. She'll be fine." Her brother spoke breaking the silence. "I know she is." I said with a light smile.

This chapter definitely took a turn. I hope you guys like it. Love you guys!💕

Next Update: Wednesday

Word Count:1258

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