What Do You Mean?

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Henry's POV:

     I laid there watching her as she slept peacefully. It's almost 12 in the morning and I got to go meet Victor and Beverly at 12:30am. I hate to leave Kelsey by herself, but I have to get things sorted out. I have to put all of this to a end.

    It was 12:15 when I left the house, and I'm meeting them at the quarry. It was about a 6 minute walk from her house. I got there a little early and sit down on a near by bench. I sat there for a minute before both Bev and Vic walked up.

     I stood up and looked at the both of them with seriousness. "Why did Kelsey and Greta get into a fight today Victor?" I asked as he looked down at his feet. "I promised I wouldn't say anything but she knows about you 2 Henry..." He said looking at Beverly then me. "Greta, that damn bitch. I can't believe Patrick went and ran his mouth." I said fustraded. "You should've known Henry. We couldn't hide it forever. Especially the fact that I could be pregnant." Beverly said, almost mumbling the last part. Both me and Victor looked at each other. "What do you mean?" I said a little panicked. "I'm late Henry, I mean if you remember we had sex like 2 weeks before you and Kelsey got together." She said annoyed. I scratched the back of my neck and looked at Victor who was shocked by the whole situation. "Did you 2 use protection?" He said. "No." Both me and Beverly mumbled. He shook his head and looked at me. "What the fuck Henry? If Beverly is pregnant, that will crush Kelsey. You've been talking about asking her out for months, and now that you have her this pops up." He said practically screaming. "I know, I fucked up. Let's just stay calm until we know for sure. No one says anything about this." I said as calm as possible. "Yeah because if my dad finds out, I'm dead. I'm going to go before he finds out I'm gone. See you 2 around" Beverly said walking off.

     Now it's just me and Victor and he's giving me a glare. "What Victor, shit like this happens. Can't go back now." I scuffed. "No you can't Henry. Your honry ass can't resist anything." He spat at me. "What the fuck, let's act like you're any damn better Victor." I said. "Let me tell you this Henry, if Beverly is pregnant you'll regret it. Kelsey is a good girl, she fought over your dumb ass. If you lose her over this, you can count me gone too." Victor hissed. "I'm not going to lose her man, she's my everything. I love her, and the last thing I want to do is lose her." I said screaming. "You better not." He said walking off.

      "Fucking great." I mumbled to myself as I walked back. She knows, that's why she didn't want to talk about it. Victor was right, my horny ass couldn't resist. I can't believe myself, my baby girl is already hurt and if this is true it'll only hurt her more.

    I crawled into her window to see her still asleep peacefully. I crawled back into bed, and cuddled back up to her. Her arm instantly wrapping around me, and her head laying back on my chest. I stroked her hair as I looked at the time to see it was already after 1. "Everything is going to be alright princess, I promise. We'll make it through this, and whatever is to come." I whispered as I kissed her forehead and dosing back off.

A/n: Sorry it's so late guys, I said Sunday so here it is. Sorry if it sucks, I'll probably go back over it tomorrow.

What do you guys think about Henry having a POV? What will all of this come down to?

I'm going to head to bed, I'm tired by all means. I love you guys!💕

Next update: Hopefully Wednesday.

Word Count:687

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