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      "It's Friday" I say to myself as I get up out of bed and began to get ready. Henry and I have been together a few days now. I talked to Beverly and the rest of the losers club, there cool with it as long as Henry and the boys stop picking at them. At first the gang was a little hesitant, but agreed. I heard Henry pull up and honk and I took one last look in the mirror, grabbed my bag and walked out the door.

     (Kelsey's outfit)

        (Kelsey's hair)

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        (Kelsey's hair)

        (Kelsey's hair)

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     (Kelsey's makeup)

   "Hey baby, you look amazing

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   "Hey baby, you look amazing." Henry said as he leaned over and kissed me. I smiled as felt myself blushing. "Thank you babe. Hi boys." I said turning to only see Belch and Victor. They gave me a weak smile, like something was up. I just turned back around, brushing it off. Henry grabbed my hand and we drove to school.

   We all walked in the school and Belch and Victor went ahead. "What's wrong with them? They're acting weird today." I turned and asked Henry. "It's something to do with Patrick, that's why he didn't ride with us this morning. They wouldn't say why, but stay close to me. I can get something out of Vic." He said with a little smile. I nodded my head as he grabbed my hand and walked over to Victor and Belch. I saw Beverly and the losers club walk in, and Bev motioned me to come over. "Babe I'm going to talk to Bev for a minute, I'll be right back." He gave me a quick kiss and nodded and I walked over to Beverly. "Stan and Eddie, tell Kel's what you just told us." Beverly said worried. The boys took a deep breath and looked at me with fear in there eyes. "It's Patrick, we over heard him talking to Greta about you." Eddie said. "What about it?" I asked puzzled. "We didn't hear everything, but Patrick wants to get you back or something like that." Stan said. "Why would he want to get you back Kelsey?" Beverly said tapping her foot. "We dated awhile ago and the relationship ended in a disaster." I said quietly. All the boys and Bev looked at me, shock all over there faces. "BABE COME ON." Henry yelled over the crowd of people. "That's my que, I'll talk to guys later." I said as they all gave me a small wave.

     "So did you figure anything out?" I asked as the bell rang. "Not yet, I have Vic in my 1st. I'll find something out then baby. I got to go. Meet me at your locker after this class." He said giving me a kiss and walking away. "Let's get this over with.." I say to  myself walking in my 1st.

   I walked out of 1st to be shoved into a locker. "Watch where you're going bitch." I scuffed. Greta turned around to face me. "I know a little whore like yourself did not just call me a bitch." She said crossing her arms. "I'm not a whore! You are a bitch though Greta." I said through gritted teeth. "Honey I do believe you are. I mean don't even say you're a virgin, you're not." She said flipping her hair over her shoulder. "You don't know me so don't even act like you do." I said pissed. "A little Birdy told me differently. You cried like the little bitch when it all happened." She said laughing. I knew exactly what she was talking about. Everyone, including Henry, was now staring at me. "Shut the hell up Greta." I said with tears forming in my eyes. "Like I said before, you don't now me or anything about my life. Leave me the fuck alone." I said frustrated with tears now streaming down my face. I turned to face Henry, who was shocked. "Looks like she lied to you Bowers." She said laughing as she walked away. "Kelsey, I..." He started to say something but I turned and ran as far as I could. I didn't stop till I got to the old bridge, I  didn't want to see or talk to anyone right now. The memories from that day came through my mind as I lit a cigarette. I try so hard to forget about it but it crosses my mind every day.

**(Abusive Content Ahead)**

It was the summer me and Patrick dated. Everything was good that day. We hadn't fought or argued in the past week. We were at the barrens just sitting next to the water looking up at clouds pointing out the different shapes they made. Patrick placed his hand on my thigh, I didn't mind. Then he tried sticking his hand down my pants. "Really? Can we not enjoy one day were you don't try anything. I told you I'm not ready and I'm still not so fucking stop." I said slapping his hand away. I looked at him, his eyes were dark with rage. I've never seen him like this before, I got up and walked away. "Bitch where do you think you're going? I didn't say you could leave." He said jerking me around to slap me across the face. Holding my cheek in pain I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "We're over Patrick! I'm not doing this anymore." He pushed me down and kicked me in the stomach. "We're not over till I say so." He said unbuttoning my shorts and pulling them down along with his. "Stop, please stop." I screamed at him while trying to wiggle out of his grip. Slapping me again he said, "Shut the fuck up before I kill you bitch." I layed there helplessly as he thrusted in and out of me with tears streaming down my face. As he finished he got up, pulling his pants up he looked down at me. "You tell anyone about this and I swear I'll kill you. Now put your clothes back on before someone sees." I slowly put my clothes on in pain. "Please take me home now, so I can get cleaned up before my brother gets home." I said quietly as he looked at me and nodded. We reached my house and he leaned down to kiss me but I turned my head. "We're done, I don't want to see you anymore. Stay away from me..." I said walking in my house closing the door. "Bitch, we'll see about that." He screamed hitting the door causing me to jump. I walked in the bathroom taking my clothes off to take a shower. I looked at my body in the mirror in disgust, running my hand over the forming bruises. The tears forming in my eyes as I turned on the shower started slowly coming down my cheeks. I sat in the shower and cried. I cried myself to sleep that night and many nights to follow. The memory hunts me, it always will.

    Henry found me crying and walk up and sit down beside me putting his hand on my back. "What's she talking about babe?" I looked up at him and told him everything, I told him the truth. He looked at me with tears forming in his eyes along with rage. "I'll kill that motherfucker, I swear on everything I love." He said standing up. "No babe, cause if he finds out I told you he'll kill me. Then you." I said sniffling. "I won't say a word to him, but that prick is gone from the gang. He crossed the line this time. He better not even look at you the wrong way or he's dead." I nodded as he gave me a kiss and embraced me in his arms. I didn't care anymore, it's been almost 3 years since the incident happened. I had to talk to someone about it, someone I felt safe with. Now he knows why I keep my distance from a lot of people, why I don't talk to hardly anyone. He knows the me no one else does. He pulled me back and lightly wiped my tears off my cheeks. "Movies and snacks at your place?" He asked. "What about school?" I said looking up at him. "We'll deal with that Monday, plus it's Friday." He said with a smile. "Sure babe." I said with a little smile. "That's my babygirl, now let's go we're wasting time." He said picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I smiled, rolling my eyes. "This is why I love you Bowers." I said quietly to myself.

A/n: Over 100 hundred reads, thank you guys so much for working with me!! I'm still learning, if you ever have any questions about the story or in general. Just message me. I hope you guys like this chapter, I'll have the next chapter up by Wednesday or Thursday. Sorry for any errors I missed. Love guys so much!! 💕
Word Count: 1504

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