Another Day

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  I woke up to the smell of breakfast being cooked. I rolled over to see Henry wasn't there. Last night was rough, I've never seen Henry like that. I wonder if he even remembers. I mean he cried in front of me. Was it because he hurt me or the fact that he's done something he can't take back?

   I stood up slowly, my body is still aches from the cut that will later scar. I walked in the bathroom beginning to take the bandage off. "Don't take it off, please.." Henry spoke up behind me cause me to jump. I turned to face him. "Babe, I have to take a shower and get ready for school. It'll get all wet and smelly if I don't." I said as I continued to take off the bandage.

  Once it was off I looked at the "H" that was now going to be there a lifetime. It was swollen meaning it was infected. "So stupid.." he said as he covered his face and shook his head. "No." I spoke sternly. He just looked at me as I continued to get undressed and got in the shower.

    I got out to an outfit already laying on my bed. It was a grey long sleeve sweater with black skinny jeans with holes.

(Kelsey's outfit)

   I put it on along with my black Converse

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   I put it on along with my black Converse. I decided to throw my hair up in a bun because it's Monday and I could honestly care less. I put on some mascara and walked in the kitchen to see Henry sitting there. "You wore the outfit I picked." He said with a light smile on his face. I shook my head as I smiled grabbing a plate and getting some bacon and eggs. "You're beautiful baby. You always will be to me." He said getting up placing his arms around me and resting his head on my shoulder. "I love you baby girl." He said giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I love you to babe." I said returning the kiss.

    We walked into the doors of school to see someone neither me or Henry have saw in awhile. Patrick, a smile already plastered on his face. "Stay by me. He's up to something." Henry said gripping my hand tighter. "What makes you think that?" I said almost in a whisper. "That evil smirk on his face. I know that look oh to well." He said sneering his nose as we walked past Patrick.

   "What a changed man you are Henry. What made you so soft? The fact you knocked Beverly up or her?" Patrick said referring to me as his evil chuckle caught everyone's attention. "How about you shut your trap." I sassed. "Oh she stands up for you now? That's cute." Patrick smirked. "Mind your own business Hockstetter." Henry said raising his voice. "Won't be long till she's knocked up too. You going to leave her like you did Beverly if you do?" Patrick smiled widely. Henry released my hand and stepped up to Patrick. "You're one jealous son of a bitch man. I don't know what evil plan you got in your head but it's not going to work." Henry said clenching his fist. "We'll see about that? Now won't we Bowers?" Patrick said laughing as he walked past Henry and up to me. He winked at me cause me to throw up in my mouth a bit. "Let's go." Henry said in more of a command grabbing my hand walking me to my first class.

   He pecked my lips and hurried off in the direction opposite of his class. "Where are you going babe?" I yelled causing him to turn and look at me. "To take care of something. I'll be waiting for you after this class. Don't walk anywhere by yourself." He said turning around and hurrying off. He had rage in his eyes but before he turned around he looked at me with love hidden within him. I hated seeing him like this but at the same time I seen something no one else does in Henry Bowers, love.

  The teacher began to call roll, I looked at the clock to discover only 5 minutes had passed. "Just another day at Derry High School." I said to myself watching the clock slowly move.

A/n: Please don't kill me, I know it's late but I had to update. This is just really a filler chapter because I had math homework. Sorry for any missed errors guys. Next chapter will have more action, promise lovelies.

I love you guys so much!!💕

Next Update: Probably Friday because my weekend schedule is busy.

Word Count:782

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