It'll Take A Miracle

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(Henry's POV)
   We've been sitting in this waiting room for hours. Nothing has happened besides a kid coming in with a busted head. Needed a few stitches, nothing to bad.

   "Hoover?" A doctor spoke up catching our attention. "Yes?" Her brother spoke up, getting up shaking his hand. "I'm doctor Bryan, can I have a word alone with you about your sister?" He spoke. Her brother nodded his head and they walked off in a nearby room and closed the door. I sat there for a good 10 minutes shaking my leg rapidly.

   Then they came out, her brother had shock on his face. He came over and sat back down, silence lasted for what seemed forever. "She might not walk again." He said in a very low tone. His voice had a quiver to it, trying not to cry. "Whoever done this, hit her spinal cord. They meant for this to happen." He said as a tear escaped his eye. "Her chances are very low. It'll take a miracle." He said looking at me. Rage came with my tears as I got up and walked outside.

    My fist made contact with a nearby wall. I slid down the wall covering my face. Hand now throbbing as blood poured down my arm. Honestly didn't care. Payback's a bitch and Patrick will soon know that. That's my babygirl, and no one is going to get away with hurting her again. Not even me.

   "She's awake." A voice said interrupting my thoughts, causing me to look up. I quickly got up and followed her brother. I walked in and she looks up at me smiles weakly. God she's so beautiful, even with her pale skin and being hooked up to all this equipment. I walked up and sit down and grabbed her hand. "I love you."  I said tears slipping slowly down my face. "I love you too." Her raspy voice spoke back. "He'll pay for this. I promise baby." I said as she looked at me and nodded her head.

A/n: Short chapter, I know. Kind of settled things down a bit.

What do you think about what happened to Kelsey? The outcome of it?

Love you guys!!💕

Next update: Saturday

Word Count:375

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