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(Unedited, because I'm lazy af)

  "Babe, who's at the door?" I said getting up, but Henry motioned me to stay back. "What the fuck man?" I heard Henry whisper. I heard someone, it sounded like a girl? "No." I said to myself. He stepped outside and closed the door behind him. I sat there patiently, and he came back in about 5 minutes later. Shock on his face. "Who was that, and what's wrong with you?" I scuffed. He looked at me and shook his head. "Keeping secrets are we now, I'm not stupid." I said standing up. "What the hell are you talking about Kelsey?" Henry rather yelled at me. "I know you fucked Beverly Henry, you can thank Patrick for that." I said walking over to the door. "I can explain that but right now I really don't want to talk about it." He said screaming. "You know what? Since you want to go outside and talk to someone but can't tell me who. Fuck you Henry." I screamed back about to open the door.

    He walked over and pinned me up against the wall. "Lose that damn attitude Hoover, or else." His face inches from mine through gritted teeth. "If I don't?" I said looking into his eyes. "Daddy's going to have to punish you." He said with a smirk. "Bring it then.... daddy." I whispered.

**(Smut Ahead)**

Henry crashed his lips onto mine, his tongue licking my bottom lip for entrance. I teased him for a minute until he brought his hand up my skirt making me moan. Giving him plenty of time to slip his tongue in my mouth. He picked me up carrying me to my room and throwing me on my bed. "One thing you should know baby girl, I get what I want." He said kissing down my neck. "Heard that before." I said as he looked up and smirked. "We'll now is my time to prove it." He said as his hand slipped into my panties. "Fuck Henry." "Daddy to you." He said as he started pulling down my white lace panties. "Cute, but won't be needing these." He said tossing them across the room. Then he stuck 2 fingers in me and started licking my clit. "Fuck.... daddy." I moaned throwing my head back. I felt him smirk as he started humming, sending vibrations through my body. My legs started shaking and I felt the knot in my stomach tighten. He looks up at me and pulls away. "What the hell?" I said. He started to unbutton his pants and sliding them down along with his boxers. I froze in shock, I looked at his member then up at him. A smirk plastered on his face. "Like what you see, just wait till you see how good it's going to feel." He said tearing a condom open he got from his pocket and putting it on. I just looked at him and gulped. With that his shoved himself inside me. "Fuck, you're so tight princess." He said kissing my neck. "Harder daddy, faster." I moaned digging my nails down his back. "Fuck..." He screamed. "Mmmm.." I moaned in his ear. I felt the knot in my stomach tighten up again. "I think I'm going to cum." I said. "Me too baby." He moaned kissing my neck again. With that I reached my high, Henry not to far behind me. He layed down beside me, both of us finding our breath. "That was amazing baby." He said through pants. "Yes." I said looking at him, smiling. He gave me a kiss and we heard a knock on the door.

   "Fuck." We said looking at each other wide eyed. We both put our clothes, quickly. Henry went to go answer the door and I fixed my hair and touched up my makeup. I walked into the living room and Dani and Victor were sitting on the couch. I smiled at them and Vic walked over and hugged me. "Happy birthday Kel's. Nice hickey by the way." He said trying to keep a serious, but failed by laughing. My cheeks went red as I looked at Henry. He was trying not to laugh, along with Dani. "Looks like you kids had some fun." Vic said. "Fun wasn't the word man." Henry said giving me a smirk. I just rolled my eyes and smiled. "Yeah." I said giving him a peak on the lips.

A/n: Guys this smut and chapter probably sucks because I have never written smut before. My apologies, it'll get better. I promise.

Also both Henry and Kelsey are 17 in this book.

Sorry for a short chapter, love you guys!!💕💕

Word Count:786

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