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    I got home to find a note from my brother saying he'll be working late again on the kitchen counter. "What's new?" I scuffed. I went and grabbed a apple off the table and went and sit down on the couch. As I was watching License to Drive, I heard a faint knock at the door. "Hold on a second." I said as I paused the movie and walked over to look through the peep hole. "Henry?" I said confused. I opened the door and looked at him. "Can I help you with something Bowers?" "Can I come in? I need to talk to you about something." I opened the door and invited him in. He went over and sit on the couch as I went in the kitchen. "You want a cold one and a smoke?" I yelled while getting the drinks from the fridge. "Yeah, that sounds great." He said as he put his hands on my waist. I turned around so I was now facing him. "Something else sounds even better though." He said with a smirk.

    I looked up at him and before I could blink his lips crashed on to mine. It was passionate, but I broke the kiss and he looked at me. "Why me Henry? Why I'm I just now catching your attention?" I said with unsteady breathing. He scratched the back of his head and looked at me then down at his feet. "I like you, and that's why I wanted to talk to you later tonight. I over heard my dad saying he would be working a late shift with your brother so I came over here to tell you." I was in a deep thought, shocked by what Henry just said. "You're telling me you actually like me. This isn't some kind of joke is it? You, Henry Bowers the biggest asshole in this town, likes me?" I said looking at him. "Yes I like you, and no this isn't some kind of joke. I have for awhile, but my asshole reputation makes it hard to show feelings." He said putting his hand on my face. I giggled a little and said, "I like you to Henry." His eyes lit up and a small smile appeared on his face. "Really?" He said. "Yeah." I said as I felt my cheeks getting red.

    We were both sitting on the couch watching the movie I started watching earlier before he came over. "So how long have you liked me?" He asked taking a puff of his cigarette. "Honestly, for awhile now. There's something that was holding me back from saying anything..." I trailed off before he grabbed my hand slowly. "I don't care what it is, so tell me babe." He said as he slowly rubbed his thumb on my hand. I took a deep breath and looked at him with all seriousness, "I use to date one of your boys, Patrick to be exact." Shock was all over his face. "When? He never talks about it." He said taking yet another puff of his cigarette. "It was over the summer before we started high school. You guys were friends, but not necessarily a gang yet. We never told anyone about it." I said. "Well listen babe, that's been years ago. That's your past and me and you are now." He said gripping me in a hug. I lightly smiled and said, "I'm just going to warn you the relationship ended on bad terms, the whole relationship was a bad idea to begin with." "He didn't hurt you did he?" He said releasing the hug and clenching his fist. "No, not really. He pushed me down sometimes because he always wanted sex and I told him I wasn't ready. Nothing I couldn't handle." I said looking down at my hands. He lifted my face up to make my eyes meet his. "He's an ass, and you know if  you haven't done anything like that yet I'll wait until you're ready. I won't bug you about it constantly." I felt my cheeks heat up a little and he saw this and smiled. "It's nothing to be ashamed of babe."

   "Are you sure, I know you get into that stuff." I said. "I can wait, plus I have all I ever wanted right here." He said as he leaned in to kiss me but someone knocked on the door.

    "Screw them." I said as I put my lips on Henry's. The knocking continued, "Hold on damn it." I yelled getting up and walking over to the door swinging it open. "Hey sweet cheeks, how have you been?" I rolled my eyes, "Fine, now leave Patrick." I whispered before I closing the door in his face. "Asshole." I muttered quietly.  Then Henry walked up behind me, placing a kiss on my neck." Who was that babe?" He asked as we walked back over to the couch."A prankster." I said annoyed. I mean I technically didn't lie, did I? As we continued to watch the movie, he put his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder.  The boy I've liked since freshman year, liked me back. I couldn't be happier, I just hope Patrick doesn't start trouble.

A/n: This chapter sucks and it's kind of cheesy, I'm sorry guys. I had to go back to the dentist today to make sure everything's alright. Next chapter will be better, I promise. I just wanted to get something posted for you guys. Sorry for any errors, love you guys!💕

Word Count:931

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