#1 An Encounter At The Library

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Draco lay outstretched lazily on the sofa, his arms behind his head as he listened to the flickering flame in the fireplace. He enjoyed the warming sensations of the heat as he shut his eyes, relaxing. Although half asleep, he couldn't help but notice a faint creaking noise behind him.

He smiled.

"I know you're there, Blaise."

"Goddamn it." grinned his best friend, who had revealed himself from behind the couch, holding a wildfire wiz-bang. He tossed it to the side grumpily, slumping into the seat beside him. "Why'd you have to be so bloody boring? Cost me a fortune, that did."

Draco let out a triumphant laugh, eyes still shut. "Why'd you have to be so bloody childish?" he challenged, smiling even wider.

He was more than used to Blaise's pranks, so much so that he was sure he was immune to them. He was a fairly easy person to please, Blaise, all you had to do was let him get away with things. Draco wondered if this was why they pissed each other off so much; he never let Blaise win.

The dark-haired boy sniggered, raising his eyebrows. "Alright, alright." he said. "Someone's a bit of a smartarse today."

"And you're surprised?" Draco replied, flashing the boy a playful smirk. "It's all part of my character, Zabini, I can't let that falter."

He rolled over onto his feet, and with a brisk sweep of his robes, he made his way towards the mantlepiece. His tie had been discarded questionably on top of it, but Blaise didn't feel the need or desire to ask why.

"Are you talking about your irresistible charm?'" Blaise cooed, batting his eye lashes in a sickening impersonation. "Draco, Draco! Will you help me study again tonight? I say, you look quite the sight with your hair pushed back!" Blaise exclaimed, tussling his friends hair who in return gave him and friendly push.

"Oh shove off, you."

As irritating as Blaise was, Draco could only grin at this comment; his friend was quoting a sixth year girl who he'd been helping with homework, just one of the many girls who was crushing on him. It was pathetic really, in Draco's opinion. He found most women far too easy when it came to anything remotely intimate; one stolen glance or flirty grin and they were at his feet like puppy dogs.

Blaise chuckled at his comment, but before he could reply the door to the common room swung open.

"Morning." a dark-haired girl chirped, flopping down into the armchair next to them. She brushed a strand of her thick fringe out of her face, flashing a toothy grin.

"Pansy." nodded Draco stiffly, catching his friends face in the corner of his eye. Blaise attempted to stifle back a laugh, and Draco glanced over at him, shaking his head in amusement.

It was pretty obvious Pansy had a thing for Malfoy. She'd never admit it, but she didn't really need to; both the boys knew it was true and had done for years. Draco supposed she was waiting for him to make the first move, but he'd been done with her for a long time now. In fact, he never made the first move, so her chances were pretty slim.

Pansy eyed Blaise suspiciously as he covered up his laughter with a very unconvincing cough, shooting him a fierce glare. "Dreadful cold you've got there, Blaise." she snarled."Why don't you go get a glass of water?'

"With pleasure." he replied, winking at his friend as he walked out the room, giggling.

Draco muttered something along the lines of 'lousy friend' under his breath, rubbing his temple gently.

"That's better." Pansy smiled as the door shut behind him, turning towards Draco. The look on her face was almost frightening; like a cat on its prey, waiting to pounce.

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