#18 Apologies, Astronomy & Payback

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"How are you feeling mate?"

Draco slumped into the chair next to Blaise, raising a brow.


Nearly a week had passed since he'd last spoken to Granger, though it felt like forever. Draco had always been one to hold grudges, but with Granger it was different. The thought of her still lingered in the back of his mind.

Draco let out strained sigh. "I shouldn't be conflicted, though." he grunted. "I should be mad."

"But you are-"

"I should be just mad! I shouldn't be doubting myself after what she did." Draco groaned.

Blaise watched his friend sympathetically. Although he felt for him, he couldn't help but think back to how sincere Granger had seemed.

Maybe she hadn't been lying?

"Did you ever consider that maybe Ron kissed her?" Blaise asked, crossing his arms. "It's not like you stayed long enough to tell."

Draco shot him a dirty look, slinking further into his chair. "Who's side are you on Blaise? Now all of a sudden you want me to forgive her?" He scowled.

"As a matter of fact, I do." he replied. "You and Granger-"

"Me and Granger are nothing."

Blaise sighed. "She seemed upset when I last saw her. I think she misses you."

"Well let her." he grunted, shoving his books into a bag. "See how much I care."

The boy trudged out the room, his face flushed with anger.

But before he could safely escape undisturbed, Pansy was at his heel; since the incident she been dying to get the boy alone.

"Are you alright?" she gasped, clutching onto his arm.

He shook it off, shooting her a look of irritation. "I'm fine."

Pansy let out a short huffing sound. As much as she liked to believe Draco was playing hard to get, it was starting to get tedious.

"You can talk to me, come on." she simpered, brushing her hair out her face and sticking out her bottom lip.

Draco didn't seem particularly interested.

"Are you even listening to me?" she complained. "I said you can-"

But the boy had already been distracted by something in the distance. Once more, he removed the girl's hand from his arm and strode towards the end of the corridor.

Pansy watched, gritting her teeth. What had she done to deserve his bluntness? He was never like this with mudblood Granger.

"Peeves!" Draco called, snapping his fingers at the space before him.

The mischievous poltergeist flashed a grin, before swooping down to greet him. Draco glared up at him angrily, waving a textbook in his face.

"Can you stop hiding my books please? It's extremely irritating." he muttered.

"What?" Peeves sniggered, continuing to pick at a lock he'd been trying to get through. "I haven't touched your dusty old books."

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