#13 Forgiving & Jealousy

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Hermione found herself very unfocused the next day, despite her efforts to keep on top of her work. She barely said a thing the entire potions lesson, resulting in several taps on the back to ask if she was alright.

The girl wasn't exactly the partying type, but the previous night had been somewhat liberating for her. In fact, she hadn't had that much fun in a while; it was easy to forget how nice it was to loosen up when you spend half your days studying.

"Miss Granger, are you with us?" Professor Slughorn frowned.

Hermione blinked, jolting up slightly and knocking her book to the ground. She instinctively groaned.

"Sorry sir." she mumbled.

A few people sniggered, raising their eyebrows as they tuned back to the front. Hermione muttered something under her breath and leant down to pick up her textbook.

Malfoy, who was sat in the seat behind, watched as a small green piece of cloth fell from the girls pocket. Hermione noticed it out the corner of her eye, immediately recognising it as Draco's pocket square. She'd put it in the pocket of her robes the previous night to give back, but had forgotten since.

Draco leaned forward in his chair, his breath tickling the back of her neck as he placed his lips beside her ear.

"Kept a souvenir I see." he drawled in a hushed tone, sending shivers up the girls back.

"I was going to give it back." she huffed, but it came out as more of a strained whisper.

"Are you sure about that?"


"Miss Granger!" Slughorn exclaimed. "I'm not sure what is going on today, but you certainly aren't focused. As for you Mister Malfoy, would you so kindly leave your conversation until after my lesson?"

"Gladly." he smirked.

From across the classroom, two students watched as Hermione and Draco glanced at each other smiling.

"Disgusting, isn't it." Pansy sneered.

"We need to act fast." Ron replied, giving her a look. "Anyone would think they liked each other."

"He's delusional." she huffed. "If he can't see her for what she really is, we're going to have to speed things along."

Ron glanced over at Hermione momentarily, watching as she hurriedly wrote down the notes she'd missed. Draco was watching, a smile tugging on the corner of his mouth.

"I don't even get why you like that girl, she's such a nerd." Pansy snorted.

"Yeah, she'd be way more attractive if she was into Quidditch or something, but I guess she's still good enough." he shrugged.

"That's the one thing I don't get about Malfoy, he actually thinks intelligence is attractive." Pansy sniggered.

"Anyway, I'm going to apologise to Hermione after this lesson." Ron explained. "Then we can slowly pull the two apart, and you can have Malfoy all to yourself."

Pansy grinned to herself. She liked the sound of that.


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