#6 Coffee

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"Okay students, you can pack up your belongings." Professor McGonagall spoke in her clear, stern voice.

Hermione snapped out of her daze, looking around to see that the class was over. For once in her life she hadn't really been concentrating, and had only just glanced down at her empty page.

"Great." she muttered under her breath.

"Miss Granger, Mister Malfoy, could you stay behind?" McGonagall asked, beckoning them towards her desk.

Hermione glanced round at Draco, who's face instantly turned cold. He had been staring at the back of her head intensely all lesson, watching her gaze out the window at the lake.
He knew what she was thinking about, he'd been thinking about it too. He should've left Granger to cry and made her hate him.

She needed to hate him.

His stupid attempt to try and sympathise hadn't really worked in his favour; in fact, it has backfired completely. He wanted nothing to do with her, but now it seemed as if a day didn't pass were she didn't make an appearance.

The remaining students poured out of the classroom in a wave of chatter, leaving the two behind sat solemnly at their desks. Hermione didn't dare look at Malfoy again, her mind now filled with annoyance.

He's trying to confuse you, it's another one of his stupid little games...

Hermione and Draco sat down obediently as McGonagall drew two chairs before her desk with her wand. Once they were seated comfortably, the woman begun.

"I'd first like to congratulate the pair of you on the success of your tutoring sessions, I understand you've only have one or two but it seems to have been very affective." she smiled, looking from one glum face to the other.

After sensing the obvious tension, she coughed and turned to Malfoy.

"It's seems you have picked up on the work very quickly, although it was a small amount to begin with. From the looks of things I highly doubt you will need any more sessions with Miss Granger."

Hermione let out a sigh of relief. She needed some time away from him to wrap her head around things and get back to normal. She could talk to Ron, get Malfoy out of her head and finally get back on track with her school work.

"However..." McGonagall continued. "There is something else we need to discuss."

The girl felt her heart suddenly drop. Did McGonagall know that she and Draco had been up after curfew? Ron could've easily told, although she hoped he wouldn't stoop that low.

However McGonagall didn't seem as if she was about to lecture them. She smiled brightly, looking from one face to the other.

"I have always admired both of your intelligences, but also your quick witts." she spoke. "Indeed, it is no surprise the sorting hat considered both of you for Ravenclaw. And since you've been getting on rather handsomely recently, I thought now was the perfect time to ask."

Professor McGonagall rummaged around in her pocket for a few seconds, furrowing her brow until she eventually clasped hold of something. She removed her hand from her robes and placed two badges onto the table before them.

Hermione and Draco leant forwards in their seats, gasping in unison. The two pins, shining proudly before them read 'Head Boy' and 'Head Girl.'

Hermione blinked. Head Girl? She couldn't believe it! She felt honoured, but at the same time a feeling of dread was creeping over her. Now she was going to have to be around Malfoy even more, and having to see him on a daily basis was going to make it difficult not to fuel their old rivalry.

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