#20 Revenge

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Hermione eyelashes fluttered open as the morning sun shone through the crack in the curtains.

It wasn't until she glanced over to the side that she remembered everything that has happened the previous night. There lay Draco Malfoy, his white-blonde hair falling softly over his face.
His breathing was gentle and quiet as he slept, almost silent.

Hermione sighed, shaking her brown curls slightly as she sat up against the pillow. When she moved over to sit on the edge of the bed, Draco's eyes slowly opened. He rolled over to face her, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Morning." he spoke, a small smirk growing on his lips.

"Morning." Hermione replied, glancing sceptically over her shoulder at the boy as she pulled her hair up into a ponytail.

She grabbed Draco's shirt and threw it loosely over her undergarments, walking over to the window to open the curtains. Draco watched, his chin rested in his palm.

"You're so bloody hot, Granger." he said, flopping onto his back with a dramatic sigh. "I can't even handle it."

Hermione laughed, raising an eyebrow as she made her way towards the dresser. "Pretty sure a few months ago you would've had something else to say."

"Oh, come off it." he smirked, slowly getting out of the bed to follow her. "You know I've never really thought you were unattractive."

"I didn't know that, actually." she replied, sucking her teeth. "But can you blame me? You said I had buck teeth when we were younger."

"I bet you said the same stuff about me to Potter and Weasley." Draco grinned, playing with a strand of the girls hair as she inspected her face in the mirror.

"I've never said you were unattractive." she frowned, rolling her eyes when the boys eyes lit up.

"Is that so?"

She gave him a small push, but Draco simply laughed and placed his hands around her waist, giving her a kiss on the back of her neck. "I'm kidding."

Hermione smiled, closing her eyes; everything was almost too good to be true. She was beginning to see why so many girls fell for him, but then...

"Draco..." she slowly begun, turning around so her back was against the wall. "You're not done with me now are you? You know, now that we've..."

Draco tousled her hair, chuckling. "You seriously think that?"

"No, no it's just...I don't know." she sighed. "You could've said this stuff to every girl you've slept with."

Draco shook his head slowly.

"I want you to understand this." he said in a more serious tone. "You're not anything like them, and I'm not just saying that."


Draco took in a sharp breath, looking straight into her eyes.

"Because you're Hermione Granger." he laughed. "We argue the toss, but you're probably the only person I know that can win an argument against me. I love that about you, Granger, you won't take crap from me like some girls would. You're smart, funny, strong, but you stay true to yourself. That's what makes you different from other girls."

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