#11 Ball Preparations

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The sun rose the next morning, basking the room in a veil of light.

Hermione rubbed her eyes sleepily. She let out a yawn as she snuggled into her pillow, frowning slightly at how odd it felt. She didn't remember it being so...muscular?

Suddenly, her eyes widened. She jolted upwards in panic, the realisation dawning on her that she was in fact not in her bed, but next to Draco Malfoy on the couch.

God, this is embarrassing.

She glanced anxiously at the boy, thanking the lord he hadn't woken sooner and quickly getting up and ready.


She was brushing her teeth when Draco began to stir, rolling over and stretching lightly. He groaned, wincing at the light.

"Yes?" she replied causally.

"Did I fall asleep on the couch last night?" He asked, frowning round in confusion.

"It appears so."

Malfoy sniffed in confusion. "Huh, weird."

Shortly after the two were up and ready, an owl swooped through the window carrying a small letter. Hermione took the note from its beak, stroking it's back as she opened it.

Miss Granger & Mister Malfoy,

Please meet me in my office at 8am.

Kind regards,

Minerva McGonagall

"We best get going then, it's already 7:50." Draco noted as he combed through his platinum fringe.

"Come on then."

The two ventured out the door towards the Professors office, passing a few first years running around aimlessly. One ran straight into Malfoy.

"Don't run in the hall." Draco said sternly. The laughter died as the student froze in fear.

Draco continued to walk away, whilst Hermione smiled sympatheticly.

"Sorry, he gets a bit grouchy in the mornings." She sighed, watching after him."In fact, he's always grouchy."

One student stepped forward, looking slightly intimidated.

"Your boyfriend is scary."

Hermione's eyes widened in shock.

"Oh, no no! He's not my boyfriend. We're just head boy and girl." she laughed awkwardly, feeling her cheeks turn red.

"Granger! We don't have all day!" Draco called impatiently.

"No more running, alright?" Hermione said, giving the boy a pat on the shoulder.

He nodded as Hermione hurried off towards Malfoy. Once she'd caught up, he gave her a sideways glance.

"What was all that about?"

"They thought you were my boyfriend." Hermione replied, her cheeks still flushed.

Draco shuddered.

"I think I just threw up in my mouth." He groaned, gagging dramatically before grinning in amusement.

Hermione huffed, sticking her chin in the air. "You're so immature."

They arrived at the Professor's office early, entering quietly once they'd knocked.

"Ah, take a seat you two." The woman smiled.

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