#7 Hexes & Hippogriffs

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The days dragged on as normal; cold, grey mornings and long dull evenings that seemed to drain everyone's moods.

Hermione walked leisurely up the stone steps towards the castle, humming quietly to herself. Small flower buds were emerging from the frosty grounds, dotting the grass with bursts of colour.

It had been a few weeks since she'd been selected for Head Girl alongside Draco Malfoy, and things had been surprisingly uneventful. It hadn't necessarily been awful, but it was rather odd and quiet without the chatter of her fellow Gryffindors.

Draco on the other hand had been finding things far too normal for his liking. He spent most days in class or in his bedroom, spending as little time in contact with Hermione as possible. It was much easier to be his usual bitter self that way.

After entering the castle, Hermione arrived at the common room and hung her coat up on the back of the door. She could hear running water coming from the bathroom as she collapsed onto the sofa, scowling at the mess that surrounded her. Her roommate had obviously been studying, and had very kindly left his books scattered across the table.

"Messy and annoying." she muttered, shaking her head in disbelief. "Can this boy get any worse?"

Letting out a sigh, she snatched the books up from the table and marched over to Draco's room.

"Malfoy! For goodness sake can you-"

"Hey!" Draco yelled as she burst in, grabbing his shirt and clutching it to his bare chest. "Granger, what the fuck?!"

Hermione froze, her mouth opening and closing like a goldfish. Stood before her was a very shocked Malfoy, wearing nothing but his boxers.

"Books..mess...um..." was all she could make out as her eyes tried to look anywhere but his shirtless form. "I was just..."

"Get out!" he exploded, and she quickly scurried back outside, muttering an apology.

Once the door was safely shut, she rested her back against it, trying her best to catch her breath. Her hand reached up and touched her cheek, snd she groaning when she found it was sizzling hot.

Could things get any worse at this point?

Deciding it was best just to forget about it, she trudged back into her room, only reappearing when she heard the boy cluttering around in the kitchen.

Hermione could feel Draco's eyes burning into the back of her head as she walked into the room, but she ignored them, picking up a book and flicking through the pages. She saw him turn back to what he was doing in the corner of her eye, and gave him a quick glance, holding her breath.

She wasn't really sure why she was staring, but after seeing what she'd just seen, she couldn't seem to stop picturing it. He was certainly more muscular than she'd expected; not excessively, but it seemed he at least kept in good shape...

"Could you please stop gawking at me, Granger."

Hermione quickly looked away, feeling her cheeks flare up again. "I was looking out the window."

The boy raised his eyebrow. "Why are you blushing then?"

"I'm not blushing!"

Draco scoffed. "Granger, have you forgotten that I can see you?"

Hermione shook her brown hair over her shoulders, crossing her arms defiantly.

"I don't know what you're talking about." she huffed. "But we have a meeting soon, so you best hurry up."

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