#3 Late Night Flights

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"Ten pieces of parchment?" Harry complained as he finished his second page of writing. "Is Snape having a laugh?"

"I'm still on my first paragraph." Ron groaned deeply, rubbing his forehead. "Honestly, I don't think I'm going to get much further."

They sighed in unison, knowing full and well the Slytherins would only have a page and a half to complete.

"Where's Hermione when you need her." Harry said, staring down at the blank paper. "She always seems to have finished within the first hour."

Ron nodded in agreement, before frowning and looking around in confusion. "Seriously though, where is she?" he asked. "She disappeared off at dinner, and I haven't seen her since."

"Not sure." Harry shrugged. "She was tutoring Malfoy earlier; he probably irritated her so much that she's jumped off the astronomy tower."

"Speaking of which," Ron added, "you don't think Malfoy's gonna pull any of his old tricks on her, do you?"

Harry raised an eyebrow at his friend.

"Oh come on." Ron sighed. "You know what the guy's like with the ladies. He'd probably have Hermione wrapped around his finger if he wanted to."

He slunk into his seat moodily, wincing at the thought. Harry put down his parchment, giving him a small nudge.

"Hermione's made of stronger stuff then that." he pointed out. "I highly doubt she's going to fall for a boy like Malfoy, he's just not her type. And after all our history with him, including the war..."

"He should be locked up for what he and his family did." Ron huffed. "The fact that I still have to see him everyday is insulting."

Harry looked uncomfortable. "Come on, give the guy a break. I know he's still an idiot, but it wasn't exactly his doing."

Ron gave him a sceptical glance, and Harry let out a sigh, shrugging. "I just mean he didn't really have a choice."

"But he hasn't changed one bit since the war." Ron muttered. "It's not like he's trying to redeem himself."

"I expect he's putting up a front." Harry said. "We've been sworn enemies since day one. Maybe he's worried he'll look foolish if he tries to be civil."

Ron looked at the floor. "Whatever. I just don't like the idea of Hermione being around him so much."

Harry frowned. "You're not...jealous, are you?"

"Why would I be jealous of that bastard?" Ron scoffed, his grip tightening around his quill. "Like you said, she'd never go for him!"

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Why are you worried over Malfoy? I thought you were sure she was into you?"

Ron shrugged. Ever since he's seen Hermione all jealous about his relationship with Lavender, he'd been certain about her feelings for him. Ron Weasley was a pretty confident guy, but suddenly he was having his doubts.

"I'm not worried." Ron lied. "As long as Malfoy keeps out of it, everything will be fine."


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