#14 Coming to Conclusions

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*warning, may contain mildly violent/disturbing scenes*

Draco remained in a foul mood for the entirety of the week. It was pathetic really; there was just something so irritating about seeing Hermione fool herself right before his eyes, and only being able to argue with her about it.

"Cheer up." Blaise sighed sympathetically.

The boy was sat glumly at the Slytherin table, stirring his soup round in circles whilst staring into space.

"I'm fine." he replied, glancing down at his now cold meal. "I'm just annoyed at myself. Talking to Granger in the first place was a bad idea, I don't really know what I was thinking."

"I thought you got on?" Blaise frowned.

Draco swallowed the lump in his throat, glancing over at the Gryffindor table. "I don't know."

Granger has basically discarded any chance of getting on by forgiving Ron. Maybe she wanted things back the way they were; her old friends, old life, old enemies...

He turned to Blaise with what he hoped was a nonchalant expression.

"Besides, if it hadn't happened that we were Head Boy and Girl we wouldn't really be communicating."

"Some people would call that fate." Blaise shrugged.

"Fate? Hah." he scoffed. "Whoever believes in that needs a reality check."


The sun was slowly setting over the castle, casting ominous shadows across the grounds. A figure was slowly making it's way down the pathway to Hogsmede, followed by another.

"Ron, it's getting darker. You know how I am with the dark." Hermione whimpered, glancing round cautiously.

She'd agreed to accompany the boy to the village, on the condition that they were back before nightfall.

"Oh come on, don't we such a wuss." Ron teased, grabbing her tightly by the wrist and yanking her forwards.

"Ouch! Ron!"

The streets were quiet, almost deserted when the two arrived, apart from the distant buzz of the three broomsticks.

"It feels like forever since I've been here." Ron sighed, glancing at the small girl beside him. "I heard you and Malfoy came down together, though.

Hermione shifted uncomfortably.

The name alone made her stomach twinge with guilt. Ron and Harry had been her friends for years, but somehow it felt a bit wrong leaving Malfoy in the dust like nothing had happened.

"I need to go grab some stuff, can you wait here for me?" Ron asked.

Hermione snapped out of her thoughts, to find Ron wandering off up the road.

"Hey, come back!" she yelled, hurrying after him slightly before slowing to a halt. "You're just gonna leave me out here in the dark?"

"I'll only be a minute or two!" Ron called over his shoulder, and without a second glance, he was gone.

Truth be told he'd only requested her company to keep her out of Malfoy's grasp; he wanted to grab a quick drink at the Three Broomsticks, but Hermione wasn't much of a drinker.

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