#12 The Night of the Ball

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Hermione took a deep breath, slowly making her way down the steps and entering the ball. She immediately noticed people's eyes on her and blushed; what if she was attracting attention for the wrong reasons?

Relax Hermione; just walk.

She'd done it before, although she was pretty sure last time the only reason people looked was because her date was Krum. Nonetheless, it was just as nerve wracking.

Draco, who was standing completely speechless beside Blaise, clamped his dangling mouth shut.

Blaise's eyebrows shot up. "Merlin's beard, she looks-"

Draco swallowed. "Beautiful."

He pushed past Blaise, striding across the hall without once taking his eyes off the girl. He made his way through the crowd, a sudden adrenaline rushing though him. It was only in the moment his hand reached to tap the girl's shoulder that his mind came back into focus. He snatched it back, furrowing his brow deeply.

It's Granger, Draco.

He reddened.

You're Draco Malfoy for crying out load. The girls come to you, not the other way round.

He took a deep breath, adjusting his tie and flaunting his usual laid-back expression. He leant against the pillar beside him, waiting for the girl to turn around.

Hermione searched the room for Malfoy, finally spotting him staring into the distance beside a pillar. He was wearing a fitted black jacket and smartly cut trousers, along with a black tie and green pocket square.

She couldn't help but stare. He looked so effortlessly cool; it was fairly obvious where the appeal came from. Indeed, the fact that she found him attractive bothered her. It felt like another her way he'd won, and Draco's ego certainly didn't need any more fuelling.

"Hey, Malfoy." she spoke softly.

Draco turned, giving her a short nod of the head. "Granger."

She walked over to stand beside him, staring round the room in awe. It had looked great before, but filled with people it looked even better.

"I see you made an effort." Draco remarked, glancing at the girl up and down. "You look pretty good."

Hermione raised a sceptical brow at the boy."You have a way of speaking in such a blunt manner that I can never tell if you're serious or not."

Draco smirked slightly, looking at the floor for a second and then at the girl.
"Take it or leave it."

"The compliment? I'll take it, thanks." she laughed, "I suppose you look alright too."

Draco grinned.

"It looks like the refreshments are pretty much serving themselves, theres no point in us interfering." Hermione pointed out. "Shall we grab some punch?"

"And walk all the way over there? I'm good thanks." Draco scoffed, folding his arms.

"Fine, I'll go. Stay right there."

Hermione walked over the the punch bowl, grabbing two cups to fill. As she poured, Blaise emerged from around the corner.

"Why, hello there Granger." he smiled, flashing his toothy white grin.

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