#21 A Final Challange

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Draco awoke that morning to the sound of birds singing and the feeling of Hermione's hair tickling his cheek.

Pure bliss, he thought to himself.

Being careful not to wake the
sleeping girl, Draco scooted over to the side, letting her head fall softly onto the pillow. The sun on his eyelids was warm and comforting, causing a small sigh to escape his lips.

Things were finally looking up again for Draco Malfoy; he could see the storm coming to an end.

"Draco, what time is it?"

He glanced over at the bed to where Hermione was now rubbing her eyes sleepily. He smiled, watching as she pushed back her mess of brown curls.

"Time for breakfast." he laughed.

It was a sunny day at the castle, and the two decided to go for a walk after a head meeting with McGonagall. An hour or so later when they left the woman's office, they wandered onto the grounds, strolling leisurely along the steep hill as they chatted to one another.

"Fantastic weather, isn't it?" Draco said, taking in a breath of cool, fresh air. "Fancy heading down to the lake?"

Hermione nodded, following him quite happily down the winding pathway towards the little opening. The pair sat themselves down, resting their backs against the cool bark of the willow tree, their heads tilted upwards to face the sun.

Draco stretched his lean frame along the grass as he listened to the rustling trees surrounding him. As his thoughts trailed off, he found himself thinking back to that first day himself and Hermione had spoken here.

"Haven't seen much of Weasley lately, have you?" he said suddenly.

"Think he's given up trying after your little prank." Hermione laughed. "I heard he's been hanging out with Lavender Brown since Harry's not talking to him."

"Good." Draco replied, a certain note of relief in his voice. "I was getting sick and tired of his and Pansy's pathetic games."

Hermione's smile faded slightly, the imagine of Pansy's snarky expression popping into her head. "Well, Pansy hasn't given up just yet."

Draco scoffed, shaking his head profoundly as if he didn't want to believe it. "Pansy isn't smart enough to think up a plan, and I'm not gonna let her lay another finger on you."

"She said she wasn't done with me." Hermione reminded, almost miserably. "Any other time I would've ignored her, but she seemed sincere. There was something different in her tone, something different in the way she was looking at me..."

Draco's gaze cut her short; he was staring at her like she was crazy.

"Oh come off it Hermione, don't be daft. There's nothing but air in that head of hers." Draco said.

When there was no reply he reached out to take her hand, but her response was reluctant.

"Besides, she all talk and no play."
he quickly added. "You know that?"

Hermione could feel herself getting slightly irritated. The way he was talking to her was humiliating, like she was some sort of little kid.

"You don't understand." Hermione said in a second attempt to explain herself. "I'm telling you she-"

"For crying out loud." Draco sighed in exasperation, his tone unintentionally harshening. "You're just paranoid, stop overthinking it."

Hermione's lips pressed into a thin line. "You won't even listen to me."

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