#24 Taken

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It was impossibly black.

Hermione was suddenly aware of a growing sickness in her stomach, and she gulped, wondering how she'd managed to get lost in the woods already. A freezing cold wind wrapped around her body like a blanket of ice; it felt as if it had submerged her, running through her veins and reaching every fraction of her system.

Drawing a shaky breath, she glanced over her shoulder, peering into the darkness that surrounded her.

And that's when she finally saw something.

Far, far away in the distance was a shadowy figure, it's head hung in worry as it paced back and forth between the trees. It looked troubled, and as it's face was revealed, Hermione felt her breath catch in her throat.

"Draco?" she tried to call out to him, but her voice was scarcely a whisper. "What are you doing?"

But he didn't respond. In fact, he didn't even flinch. His usually pale face was now as white as a sheet, and he was holding back tears, staring into the forest as if he was waiting for something.

"Can you hear me?"

Looking around frantically, she let out a little whimper, chewing on the end of her fingernail. And all of a sudden it had hit her, the feeling of complete and utter isolation. She began to cry out soundless words of despair, but there was a rustle in trees, and she watched as Draco quickly turned to face something she couldn't see.

For a moment he just stood there, a mixture of hatred and fear brewing in his eyes.

"I told you," he said quietly. "I told you thousands of times to leave me alone."

Their was a muffled voice somewhere in the distance, and Hermione dried her eyes, trying to get a better view.

Draco's face was full of disgust. "I don't give a shit what you do to me, just leave her be!"

And then he was running, and then he was gone.

Hermione hadn't even realised she was screaming until the moment he disappeared from sight, but once she did, it didn't stop her. Hastily, she stumbled backwards into the safety of the shadows, tears streaming, heart beating like a drum.

But it was too late. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and with a flash of light, the worst pain she'd ever felt in her entire life filled her limp body.


"Get off me! Stop it!"

Hermione gasped for breath, jolting upright with a thud. Her long, thick hair was a mess around her face, and she swept it away, panting heavily. Slowly, she began to look around, her tear-stricken face crumpling in confusion. Draco was no where to be found, and she certainly wasn't in the tent any more.

Gulping down air, she looked down at her herself, only to find she was dressed in a white hospital gown. The material clung to her uncomfortably, and she realised that she must've been sweating profusely all night.

The girl cleared her throat, trying to steady her shaky voice. "Hello? Is anybody there?" she croaked. "Hello?"

There was a short pause, but soon enough a women entered the room, a notebook clasped to her side. Her forehead was lined with worry, but upon seeing the girl she let out a sigh of relief, clutching her hand to her heart.

Falling For You ✘ Draco & Hermione *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now