#2 Tutoring & Plans

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"I can't believe this!" groaned Draco, pacing up and down his dorm as an amused Blaise watched."Tutoring! They expect me to give up my time to be tutored by some sad little git?"

Blaise tried to stifle a laugh, cocking a brow at his friend. Draco had just attended a meeting with McGonagall, and had left with the news that he was behind in Transfiguration.

"I thought you were top of most your classes?" he replied, before adding "Well, after Granger of course."

Draco's jaw tightened at the sound of her name.

He had been trying to avoid the mudblood at all costs after the library incident; not that he ever cared to see her anyway. Maybe he'd underestimated her and her big mouth, but he still had some dignity.

"It's just Transfiguration," muttered Draco. "Quidditch practice always seems to intervene with my study time for it."

"Who has the honour of tutoring you then?" Blaise grinned.

"Not sure, but it won't make a difference who it is." A small smirk played at his lips. "All the students who are made tutors are smartarses who have nothing better to do than study constantly."

Blaise chuckled. "Yeah, like Grang-"

"Stop saying her name!"

Blaise put his hands up in defence, deciding it was best not to ask. "When's your first session then?" he added, quickly changing the subject. "Today, isn't it?"

Draco checked his watch and cursed to himself. "Shit! It started half an hour ago."

Blaise snorted out a laugh, shaking his head. "Let's hope your new tutor's a girl, or there's no way you can flirt you way out of it."

Draco shoved his books into a bag, carelessly slinging it over his shoulder.

"See you later, if I make it out alive."

Oh, how he wished he was joking.


Draco burst into the dimly lit classroom, his expression glum and moody. It wasn't fair; Quidditch season wasn't far now and he needed all the practice he could get before it begun. Who cared if he was a little behind? He could catch up easily after it was over.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could just make out a figure sitting in the corner, flicking through a seemingly large book. Slowly, it turned to face him, it's face still unrecognisable.

"Took your time." Hermione snapped, closing her book aggressively.

Draco froze at the sound of the familiar voice, a look of disgust spreading across his face.

Will this girl seriously just fuck off?

"What the hell are you doing here Granger?" He snarled, his eyes darting suspiciously towards the stack of parchment beside her.

"Waiting for you unfortunately." She muttered. "But as usual, you're late.

Draco mind went blank for a second, until the dreaded realisation washed over him.

"You." he groaned in disbelief. "Of all bloody people, it had to be you."

His hand instinctively reached for the door handle, but there was no going back now. Hermione Granger was his tutor, and that was that.

"Don't worry, the feelings are mutual." she replied bitterly. "I wasn't exactly delighted to hear the news either."

Hermione had begged and begged the professor for anyone else to tutor, but it had been to no avail. She was surprised he'd even bothered to turn up, knowing Malfoy found no difficulty in disobeying the rules.

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