#9 Slow Realisations

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"The idea is to put the perfume on, not bathe in it."

Hermione rolled her eyes, ignoring the boy's comment as she continued to get ready for the day. Although herself and Draco seemed to have progressed a little in the last week, it seemed as if every time they took a step forwards they took two steps back.

It was unfortunate Draco had to be so immature, considering they now had to practically live together. She'd hoped he'd at least stop being so argumentative...

Then again, who was she kidding. It was Malfoy she was talking about.

"Oh shut up you, I barely sprayed a thing." she muttered in return. "It's a good thing I'm not too bothered about what you think of me, or I'd be highly offended right now."

"Then why can I smell it from all the way over here?" he replied, wrinkling his nose. "What scent even is that? Forty year-old mother of five?"

Honestly, it wasn't surprising he broke so many girls hearts with the way he spoke to people.

"It's supposed to be rose, actually." she scoffed, tossing the bottle onto her bed.

"Revolting." Draco smiled sweetly, before turning around to walk back to his seat.

The boy was going to Hogsmede to meet Blaise at the Three Broomsticks later that day. Hermione was tagging along for the journey, planning to pick up a new quill as her old one had broken. Draco however had given her strict instructions to be gone before Blaise arrived, knowing he'd probably tease him all afternoon.

"Hey! It snowed last night!" Hermione exclaimed as she drew the curtains, gesturing out the window at the white sheet of frost.

Draco was immediately at her side, his eyes widening as he watching the snow drift down lightly from the sky. Hermione was baffled to see a huge goofy grin spread across his face.

"You like snow?" she laughed, raising an eyebrow slightly.

Draco reddened.

"I suppose." he murmured, his face flushing pink. "Stupid question really...who doesn't like snow?"

Hermione couldn't help but smile a little in surprise; he looked so different when he blushed, less stern.

"It's okay to embrace your inner softness sometimes." Hermione assured, letting out a laugh when Draco gave her a shove.

"Very funny."


Despite spring arriving the weather had remained freezing, leaving the two with no choice but to wrap up warm for Hogsmede.

"I hate this bloody scarf." Draco grunted, adjusting it aggressively around his neck. "Why don't they make them out of a comfortable material instead of wasting my time."

Hermione snorted out a laugh. "You certainly have an opinion on a lot of things." she said. "At least you brought a scarf."

The boy glanced at her sideways as she rubbed her shoulders, plastering a devious smirk across his face.

"Is this the part where I'm supposed to offer you mine?" he asked. "Because I can deal with the itchiness..."

"You know, I'm beginning too see why girls don't stay with you that long." Hermione scoffed, watching Draco's eyes flicker menacingly.

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