#4 Lies

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The small girl groaned, lifting her head slowly off of the desk.

She hadn't gotten much sleep the previous night; her head had been buzzing with a thousand different thoughts and feelings after her peculiar evening.

"Ron, Harry?" she croaked, rubbing her eyes sleepily as they adjusted to the light. "What's up?"

Ron searched her face, his nose crinkling in displeasure.

"You look awful, 'Mione." he said, and Harry mentally facepalmed. "What happened?"

The girl scowled, her cheeks flushing red in humiliation.

"Thanks, Ronald."

Although it hadn't been the best idea to point it out, Ron wasn't exactly incorrect. There were rather sizeable bags hanging underneath the girls eyes, which in turn were droopy and bloodshot.

Ron winced at her hard stare, running a hand along the back of his neck. "No, I just meant-"

"What Ron is trying to say is that you look tired." Harry cut in, rolling his eyes. "But anyway, that's beside the point." he looked upon the girl with a note of suspicion. "Where were you last night?

She blinked.

"Oh, um..."

Hermione felt her stomach tighten. She wasn't sure why; she'd known the question would eventually arise. But what the hell was she supposed to say?

Oh, sorry guys! I was flying around the grounds on the back of Draco Malfoy's broomstick!

"What makes you ask?" she finally managed to say, buying herself some time to think up a believable excuse.

"We didn't see you at all after dinner, and Parvati said you weren't in bed by curfew." Harry replied, watching carefully as Hermione went slightly pale.

"Is that so..." she mumbled.

Harry's eyebrow rose slightly as she glanced round the classroom, looking desperately for some sort of inspiration.

"Well, you see-"

"She was with me." drawled a low, smooth voice from the doorway.

Harry and Ron spun around simultaneously to find themselves face to face with Malfoy. He was wearing his usual black jacket and jeans, as well as a rather large smirk.

After a moment of bewildered silence, Harry finally spoke out.

"What do you mean she was with you?" Harry frowned.

Draco's slim face tilted to the side as he's gaze alternated between Ron, Harry and a horrified Hermione.

"It's pretty self explanatory, Potter." Draco sneered, rolling his eyes. "I mean she was with me."

Harry muttered something under his breath.

"And what exactly were you doing?"
Ron cut in bitterly, causing Draco's dark glare to fall on him instead. He greeted the confused boy with a snide laugh, shaking his head.

"I asked her for some extra tutoring time." he said, shrugging. "That's all."

Harry processed the new information, trying unsuccessfully to find a flaw in his response.

"Is this true?" Harry finally asked, turning to Hermione.

Hermione was lost for words. She stood with her mouth hanging open, trying to wrap her head around what was happening.

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