#17 Divided

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It took Draco a while to fully comprehend what had happened.

It was strange, he'd gotten over the shock rather abruptly. Instead it had been replaced with a dull, empty feeling of stupidity that seemed to engulf his entire body. And yet, the feeling only intensified when the realisation finally dawned on him; Hermione good-witch Granger had actually played him.

He didn't have to question why he was so bothered anymore; in fact he'd only truly realised in the short space between the kiss and him arriving at the common room.

With Granger, he actually felt something.

She made him feel happiness, anger, jealously, sadness, something no other girl had ever been able to accomplish. He was so used to manipulating others and feeling nothing back, that he'd never stopped to think about how it might've felt.

And now it's too late.

He slumped into an armchair, burying his face into the cold palms of his hands. It was cruel; she should've stopped trying to prove whatever point she was making after he'd spilled his heart out to her.

Suddenly, interrupting his thoughts, he heard the door to the room open.

"Hey Draco." Hermione called, hanging up her jacket as she entered the room.

Oh great.

When he didn't look up, the girl frowned slightly. "Is everything okay?"

Much to her disgust, Ron had attempted to kiss her a few moments ago. Of course she'd been utterly horrified, and hadn't hesitated to give him a hard slap across the face.

"How dare you!" she'd screeched, pushing him away. "You think you can treat me like crap and then kiss me when you feel like it?"

"Come on Hermione, I know you've always like me!" he'd protested, rubbing his cheek slightly.

"You're vile Ronald Weasley, absolutely vile." the girl growled, standing up to leave. "I never want to speak to you again."

She'd stormed out of the room and made her way back to the common room as quickly as possible. Ron was pathetic, and this time she really meant it.

Now she stood, her face crumpled in confusion as she watched Draco turn to look at her. His expression was enough to let her know it was bad news.

"I trusted you." he snarled. "I told you everything and you pull that stunt the next day?"

His cold, hard glare was enough to make anyone's knees buckle in fear.

"What are you talking about?" Hermione spluttered. "I don't understand?"

"You kissed Weasley?" Draco blurted our in rage, his eyes flashing dangerously. "After everything he fucking did to you, you kissed him?"

Hermione let out a small gasp, her face draining of colour. "No! Draco, it's not how it looked! I pushed him-"

"Was I just a game to you? A puzzle to solve? Well congratulations Granger, you got it all out of me." the boy growled, shaking with anger. "I supposed you're finished with me now, aren't you? Hope you had fun."

"I'd never do that to you!" she cried. "You have to listen to me-"

"I trusted you." he repeated, his voice shaky but firm. "It took a fucking lot for me to open up to you like that."

Falling For You ✘ Draco & Hermione *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now