#8 Teasing & Intrigument

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The first lesson of the day flew by, followed by transfiguration and then potions. The students dotted about the classroom, brewing various different substances and scribbling down the notes that Slughorn had written on the blackboard.

Hermione sighed, flopping into her seat and pushing her cauldron aside. For some reason she just couldn't seem to concentrate, and no matter how hard she tried, the potion just didn't come out right.

"Are you feeling alright, Hermione?" Harry frowned. "You seem a little down."

The girl shook her head. "No," she smiled. "I'm fine."

But she wasn't really sure if she was. In fact, her eyes kept wandering over the the other end of the classroom, finding their way to where Malfoy was sat. She would glance at him, and when they made eye contact, he would raise his eyebrow ever so slightly, allowing himself just enough time to make her squirm in discomfort.

That feeling, the feeling of his cold eyes lingering on her was filled with such confusion that she couldn't even formulate how to react. She would look away, but at the same time something inside her didn't want to.

"Good afternoon, students."

The door swung open, and in walked Professor McGonagall, followed by several timid looking first years. They were all wearing new robes that were significantly too large, and were clutching their cases to their chests, their small faces full of fear.

"Professor Slughorn, could I borrow Granger and Malfoy?" she spoke calmly. "I might need them for the rest of your lesson, I'm afraid."

"Certainly." he replied, gesturing at the two to leave. "Your essays will be due in a few days, the pair of you."

Hermione immediately jumped to her feet, followed by Draco, who didn't look so excited. They made their way out of the door in a hurry, looking around in confusion at the herd of new students.

"Good afternoon, Professor." Hermione said clearly. "Is there something we can do for you?"

McGonagall nodded, before turning to the first years.

"Here are our head boy and girl." she said, and they took an intimidated step back. "Now now, there's no need to be nervous."

Hermione smiled as warmly as possible at their fearful faces, trying her best to look approachable. Draco remained expressionless, glancing at Hermione with a raised eyebrow.

"Hello, I hope you've all settled in nicely." Hermione welcomed brightly.

She turned to Malfoy, waiting for him to continue, but the boy simply gave them a rather solemn nod. She shot him a dirty look, before turning back to them with a strained laugh.

"He's just tired, don't worry about him." she said, coughing awkwardly. "But anyway, what can we do for you all?"

"I was hoping you two could give them a little introduction to Hogwarts, and tell them what we do here." McGonagall explained. "I'm sure they'll be more than happy to have a tour."

"Of course." Hermione smiled, nodding her head happily. "We have time."

McGonagall thanked the girl, before turning back to the group."Now, off you go with Hermione and Draco. Chop chop!"

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