#15 Down by the Lake

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Draco lay motionless, draped in the plain, white sheets of his hospital bed.
His wrist had been increasing in pain ever since the incident, and his encounter with Weasley certainly hadn't done it any favours.

"How are you feeling, Mister Malfoy?" Madame Pomfrey frowned, placing an assortment of ointments on the table next to him.

He groaned in response.

"I feel better, I suppose." he sighed, glancing down at his swollen arm.

It hurt like hell, but he didn't regret one bit of it. Granger would've been in three times the amount of pain if he hadn't interfered.

"You're lucky it isn't anything serious."
The woman scowled, blotting an awful smelling liquid onto his wrist. "Remind me what happened again?"

"I just got into a fight, that's all." he mumbled, wincing as the woman tutted in response.

"Honestly." she sighed, before her attention was drawn to the door. "Ah, It's looks like you might have a visitor."

The boy glanced anxiously at the doorway, his expression immediately softening when he saw who it was.

"It appears so." he said quietly.

Hermione walked slowly, almost cautiously towards the boy, a look of guilt on her face.

"Evening, Granger."

The girl didn't reply, instead placing a small box on the table next to him. Draco eyed it suspiciously.

"Open it, then." she huffed.

He smirked, taking it into his palm and gently removing the lid. Inside, to Draco's surprise, was a small broach of dazzling green, shaped as a serpent.

"Woah." he breathed, looking up at her with wide eyes. "Where'd you get this?"

"I made it myself." she replied, her cheeks turning slightly pink in embarrassment.

"What?" he spluttered in bewilderment. "You made this?"

The girl nodded. "It was the least I could do after what you did for me." she said, her voice suddenly soft. "I feel awful Malfoy, how is your wrist?"

"Better." he replied faintly. "But Granger, it wasn't your-"

"Mister Malfoy," Madame Pomfrey cut in.

Draco clamped his mouth shut in annoyance. "Yes?"

"I need you to sign this form, so I can send it off to your father."

Draco's entire body froze, a cold shiver of dread rushing through his veins.


The woman's eyebrow cocked as she placed the paper on his lap.

"Yes young man, we must have a guardian sign the document. And since your mother-"

"Enough." Draco cut in, his face an unhealthy shade of white. With a shaky hand, he snatched the form from the bed and scribbled a signature.

"Well, erm-that potion seems to have healed you up. You are free to leave if you wish." the woman smiled weakly. "It may still sting for a few days."

Hermione watched in confusion as Draco strode out the room, his face hidden. Although it seemed to be out of nowhere, it seemed the woman had sensed what was going on.

"What was all that about?"

The small lady sighed.

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